We're a forum of breeders, trainers, long-time and rookie owners that have come together to create a place to share, love, and at times, mourn our beautiful dogs. There's no competition-no trophies, no ribbons, no claims to breed superiority. Just information, love, laughs, and support.

Thursday, May 14, 2015


Gwen Grosskopf
I have no words except to say Fiona did it. Doors literally ripped away from cabinet frame.


New hinges for cupboard doors. Check. New locking lid trash can. Check. One badass newfie. Priceless.



Jeannie Volpe
I ain't even mad. Ty likes pizza! 


Tao Toms
So, I heard a slight russle coming from the kitchen. 
Assuming Saria could be investigating the bin, I went in to see what she was doing.
She was slightly chewing something, until she saw me, and immediately stopped. 
I told her to drop whatever she had in her chops, but she wasn't dropping anything - which is unusual because she usually drops whatever she has if I ask her too.
I considered that she possibly didn't have anything, so I stopped nagging for a second, in which, she shuffled her mouth around.
So, upon asking her to drop 1 more time, and her refusing, I pryed her mouth open to see if anything was in there.
The only thing that fell out was some drool... until she moved her head, and this big piece of Angle cake slopped on the floor.
Her face was like '... well I don't know how that got there.'
I was in absolute stitches ðŸ˜‚😂


That's it, I've had it, who wants a 5mo old little newf? So after barking from 2-4am because  she wanted to sleep outside where it was cold instead of in her crate Misty finally fell asleep. After breakfast she decided to carry her food bowl around like she usually does but this time decided to start tossing it in the living room which led to some broken crystal dolphins.
 At this point I decided Marly and Misty could go run around out back while I took care of    the pool. The two of them were playing and not paying attention to me so I stood on a chair to try to reach and get some of the leaves out of the center of the pool. Before I knew it I felt two tiny paws on my back pushing me into the pool. So yes this morning I went swimming in a freezing pool in 50 degree weather in jeans and a t-shirt thanks to Misty.    After climbing out because of course the ladder is not in the pool yet Misty was jumping all over me and was then soaked. Oh the fun didn't stop there. They both push their way    through the door to make sure they got in the house before I did. I went to get changed and when I came out I found that Misty who is still soaking wet jumped the baby gate and was now laying on my bed. So if any of you are having a bad day just think how mine started and maybe at least you'll smile. Oh and no, I'm not really getting rid of her I just needed to vent.

            MARLY  AND  MISTY



We love our newfs.We love our newfs. Must repeat this because..I was having a crazy busy day. I rushed home to feed the guys and give them a hug.Sam had dragged a 50 lb bag of organic (you know what makes it organic,right?)wet potting soil from the very bag of the yard/up the stairs/across the deck and into the kitchen -where he proceeded to SHRED the bag -well, to shreds!Feeling that he had not accomplished enough, he stood on his hind legs and took and apple pie from on top of the fridge. He decided that he did not like apple pie ,   so he just mashed it into the topsoil.When I walked in, he was lying in 3inch deep apple pie/mud.He was very satisfied with his days work. I imagine that you all heard me screaming obscenities at him.Not my finest hour.Not an ounce of remorse from him. I had to shovel the mud out and scrub the hardwoods at least 3 X. Still smells vaguely of manure.Oh, yes there was another bag of topsoil in the garage. yes. He did. I love my Sam.


                THE PLOT