We're a forum of breeders, trainers, long-time and rookie owners that have come together to create a place to share, love, and at times, mourn our beautiful dogs. There's no competition-no trophies, no ribbons, no claims to breed superiority. Just information, love, laughs, and support.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015


True's story started a huge ruckus on social media within the Newf community about purchasing/rescue from a pet store.
Some people believe that you should never ever purchase a puppy from a pet store. In the main, I totally agree. But I also think there are exceptional circumstances and this is one of those.
True's story will also highlight the risks of purchasing from pet stores.
We as Newf lovers could not let True stay in that cage to suffer and die, which he would have done in a short time.
It was not his fault he was born in a puppy mill. 

2nd February 2015
Hi everyone, my name is True. I was born on November 15th 2014. That's right I am only 11 weeks old. I am a Newfoundland. I am going to be big and beautiful when I grow up, if I grow up. I was born in a puppy mill in Indiana in horrible conditions. I was shipped to a pet store in upstate NewYork and had just been taken to a butcher of a vet to be fixed. I was shipped with the stitches still in. I was miserable, how would you like to be in my place? I was born blind and deaf and then the only conditions I knew were horrible but I did not realize that as I had my litter-mates. I wonder what happened to them? As you know all puppies are born this way and I did open my eyes and can see and also can hear.
After I arrived at the pet store people saw me and ohhed and ahhhed at how cute I was, Of course I was cute, I am a puppy. No one wanted me. Until one day this lady walked in and saw me. Her name was Deb Heary McAtee and she belonged to this wonderful group called True Newfoundland Dog Lovers. Well she did not do anything right then but I just had this feeling she was coming back for me. Don't ask me how I knew but I did. Well what I didn't know was she went home and got on that site and made a plea about me and told the story of how I was shipped with stitches still in. Another lady, Carol Wethington, said she would buy me and put me on her credit card if I went to this certain person in Tennessee. Well that got the ball rolling. I hate to tell them but I am to big to fit on a credit card, lol. But anyway this First Lady came back and she bought me, I cost over $2000 and they said that is a lot. I do not know how much that is as I know nothing about money and all I want is to be loved and cared for. I want someone I can love and care for too. Right now I am staying with Deb and she is going to take me to the vets tomorrow as I have a rumbling in my chest and she does not like the sound of this. She just decided since she knows the vet and he is close she is taking me to see him now. Yes it is a Sunday but she is worried about something called Pneumonia. I hope I don't have that and I hope that this wonderful lady who got me out of that awful pet store, well I hope it doesn't make her babies sick either. Please I just want to be healthy and live a good life.
Now apparently a lot of people said they would help with the cost of me thru something called gofundme. I just want everyone to know I appreciate everything that you can do to help me as I really want to get to this new home Deb has told me about where I will have plenty of friends .  But what I want most is to be a good puppy and get lots of love from this man.
All I know is I need help and I hope all of you can do a little to help me and help me get south to my new home. I didn't have the name True at first but it was given to me in honor of the only group who stood up for me and did anything. I will live up to that name as best I can and am told I will be the official mascot for True Newfoundland Dog Lovers from this point on. After all I am a noble Newfoundland and can do no less than be my best.
Please find it in your hearts to help me as much as you can. For those that have already contributed, I thank you from the bottom of my little heart.

Deb Heary McAtee When I hold that sweet boy & feel that rattle in his chest when he breathes, I shudder to think what would have happened to him if he stayed in that little metal cage in the pet store. I couldn't leave him there.
 He had a good night, but his rattle has gotten worse & he now has a cough. He's going to the vet today & will be going on antibiotics & possibly nebulizer treatments.

4th February 2015
Another update on True.
The vet is trying the antibiotics but warned me that he may continue to get worse as likely the same viral respiratory illness they have already treated in multiple puppies from the pet store. True is still very wheezy & rattling & we are watching him very closely. If he continues to get worse, he might need to go on IV for meds & hydration.
My big boys (my newf, Kodi and my golden, Benny) both started vomiting lots of mucus this morning & the vet thinks they probably caught the same virus. So need prayers for all 3 fur babies.
Wanted to share a few pics of True.

The 2 sickest boys (True & Kodi) cuddled together this morning.

Deb Heary McAtee The pet store will reimburse for True's vet bills during first 14 days. The other options are that they will refund all $ if he's turned in as "unfit to sell" or they will pay to euthanize him. 

Deb Heary McAtee Their contract gives 3 days to see a vet to have them determine if the puppy is healthy or unfit. They also claim all of their puppies get sick after they leave because they've been kept in such a sterile environment that they haven't developed immune systems yet. How is that for complete BS??!!! 

They will give a full refund and/or cover medical expenses in first 14 days. If my vet provides "unfit" documentation, the puppy is returned to them. I will not return him.

Denise Peter I'm having problems with the fact that some True Newf people do not support this rescue.... yes, it is a rescue... If the puppy had not been taken from the store, it would have died. PERIOD! Either in the store or the store putting him down. We all have our own opinions on Newf topics and that is called freedom of speech.. I hope this poor little guy and the other Newfs get well soon!!

Deb Heary McAtee They actually tried to argue that True must have gotten sick from them!!! "They must have been contagious & his symptoms showed up first because of his lack of immune system". If they didn't make me so angry I could spit, I would just laugh at them!!

Kodi & True

True & Baxter

6th February 2015

Deb Heary McAtee True's breathing is improving. He now has runny nose & sneezing so hopefully things are breaking up. He also was a total hellion, so he must be feeling better too. Benny is doing much better. My poor Kodi is not doing well. He's not drinking or eating, won't take treats & can't get his pills in him despite many attempts with his favorite foods. Discussing with vet today. Poor sweet boy!

7th February 2015

Deb Heary McAtee True is continuing to improve. He's getting more & more rambunctious so must be feeling better too. . Benny has really bounced back. Kodi is still quite sick, but we've been able to get his meds into him last night & this morning so hopefully he will start turning the corner today.

True & Kodi

11th February 2015
Newfie puppy & Maine Coon cat bonding session: True & Baxter.
I'm just hugging him.....

I just want to cuddle.

This pic looks like True wants to eat him, but he was actually yawning.
 True is doing very well. Hoping to get his test results today. Not a cat person, but love my Maine Coon. He has no idea he is a cat though.
Was able to get Kodi to eat a little this morning. So good sign. Anxious to get some test results back later today.

13th February 2015
Not really fit for man or beast outside.....-29 F & windchill of -45 F. Yet, True & Benny still want to play outside. Didn't let them stay out for long.
Update on True: 
True is doing very well. The Vet wants to wait for the new test results before giving him his boosters or rabies shot. His breathing sounds good enough that she doesn't want to put him through having another chest X-ray. Hopefully we will hear back today on the test results.

Kodi had a 2nd day of fluids & IV meds. Most all of his tests came back negative, but Vet thinks a false negative. He's on 4 new meds for nausea, vomiting, diarrhea & to stimulate appetite. He's still in a pretty fragile state.
Oh and Benny seems completely back to his happy bouncy self. True & Benny play until they wear each other out. 😀

 Kodi & Benny caught the respiratory virus & intestinal virus (giardia) that True has. Kodi has been treated for cancer this year & is almost 9 so he's having a harder time fighting it off.

16th February 2015
True & Kailin (my 6 month old granddaughter) bonded quickly. True didn't want to leave her side & she kept reaching out to touch his head. Kailin suffered several strokes at birth and will have special needs. We don't know the extent.

True update...again....and maybe one of the most important
When this whole process started to rescue True, there was nothing in me that could have or would have agreed to rescue him and add him to my household. Yet, he was here in my town and the True Newfoundland Lovers group agreed to step in and rescue him and had a home planned.
None of us (especially me) planned or knew that he would be very ill. For awhile, I honestly did not know if he would survive. After much antibiotics and nebulizer treatments every 3 hours or so, he started to to get better. However, my two dogs, Kodi and Benny, also caught what he had and got very sick. So for several weeks, I just focused on getting everyone well.
We are close (Benny & True are well, Kodi is still struggling). After all that has happened, it seems like True has become a very big part of our family. He has bonded with all 4 of our pets, with my husband and myself, as well our our granddaughter. Even though I know that our plan was meant to send him to another home, and I know that he would be so very happy and cared for and that that person would provide an awesome home for him. However. we just really can't let him go now.
I promise that we will provide a very good home for him. He will be part of our ski area in the winter and then live on a small private island in the summer. Most of all, there are only 2 weeks out of the entire year that our pets do not have a parent with them 24/7.
I hope so much that you all understand. It was never the intention, but sometimes things happen for a reason. It really feels like True was meant to be part of our family.

Replies from members:
 Sometimes, in spite of our intentions, our fur babies find us! He is one lucky dog you went into that hell hole (excuse my language). I think what was supposed to happen has happened.

True was meant to be part of your family,  you have done an amazing and loving job keeping True,Benny and Kodi alive. You are an amazing lady and I hope no ones has a problem with you keeping him how could you not love him. praying Kodi keeps getting better.

 With all that you have been thru, with all of your family, I am not surprised that you have fallen in love with this little guy, as we all have done. You saved him. You nursed him back from deaths door, that creates a very strong bond, that is impossible to break, nor would anyone want to. Saving True and giving him a good home was always the priority and that's what matters.And that is what has happened. I am so proud of your efforts and sacrifices and also this group of beautiful members who stood by you. TRUE LOVE BRAVEHEART IS HOME.

 I felt from the first post he was meant to stay with you I feel it is the best for him and you, when you put your heart and soul into saving an animal like you did it is natural to become very bonded, we will all still love watching True grow from your house!

Why am I not surprised by this? You are a dog owner, Newfy lover and we seem to get very attached to each other's animals if we know them or not, let alone one you spent so much time and energy on trying to get well. This makes perfect sense to me and I am sure most on this site. Regardless if you keep him or another takes him I am sure that he would get all of the love from either of you and I am sure you are in his soul as he in yours. Thanks for all you have done for him and I can still get to watch him grow up. You deserve this baby and I will continue with Newfy prayers for Kodi.

 I'm very happy for you and True and especially for your darling granddaughter. As a baby himself, True already senses her needs for attention and care. I sense he will play an important role in her well-being and that is wonderful for both of them. There is a reason Newfies are nanny dogs. And boy, what better life for a Newfie...ski area and private island, sounds like Newfy Heaven!

True is where he was and is supposed to be. When we care for another they become a part of us. And it's difficult to let them go. Particularly a Newfoundland. I'm happy the way is more clear now and that he as well as your others are feeling better. He is where he was meant to be all along. Good job.

I'm crying happy tears as I read this ... Everything happens for a reason... Prayers that Kodi gets better every day... And that this wonderful family is happy ever after !!! We love youTrue Love Braveheart !

God put him in your path. You were the intended guardian of our sweet little soul. My prayers continue for poor Kodi. I can appreciate the heartache watching him continue to struggle causes. I am so sorry. I pray that one morning you will awake to find he has turned the corner and see glimpses of the healthy Kodi peeking through.

 It makes me so happy to know this, my heart is full, not got the words to express my feelings, I will always feel part of True's story and I will carry him in my heart for the rest of my life here so far away in the UK, many thanks to you and your husband and your family for all that you did in the beginning, look forward to updates etc, continue to think of Kodi and wish the very best for him, what a blessing that day was that you had the drs appointment xxxxxxxxxxxx

16th February 2015
True update: 
We got True's test results back & it was all good news. His white count is close to normal (it was through the roof at his first trip to the vet) and he is now negative for giardia. He will be able to have his booster & rabies shots next week. The Vet decided to spare him another X-ray because she was confident enough that the pneumonia was cleared up based on blood count & no longer hearing wheezing. 
He's also grown a lot in 2 weeks & gained 7.5 pounds. He understands "no" & usually listens, Mostly pottys outside, and is generally a very happy pup. God bless him, he's come a long ways! So thankful he made it through. 🙏
Kodi perked up a little after his 2 days of hydration & meds, but he's had a bit of a backslide. He still has severe diarrhea & not really eating but at least not vomiting & I'm able to get his meds in.
True you seemed to be healing not only yourself, but everyone around you. Look after Kodi. Deb Heary McAtee words can not fully describe the size of your heart. You are one amazing human, and you husband too. Thanks for all the updates on all of your babies
22nd February 2015
True update: our little guy is doing great & growing like crazy. He is 14 weeks old today & 36 pounds. He has gained 13 pounds in the 3 weeks since he arrived here 1/30 (what I will now consider his Gotcha Day, even though I didn't know it at the time.

 Oh, he can be very sweet, especially when he's sleepy. He also has "terror mode", but it still warms my heart because I always think about when he was to sick to be rambunctious.

Post bath time. True & rubber ducky.
 He looks SO innocent.....don't be fooled!
Sleepy puppy after this morning's bath. True isn't crazy about the bath, but he loves towel snuggle time afterward.
Kodi is not much improved. We are trying a 3rd round of flagyl. If he's not improved after the weekend, he's going in for X-rays & more tests to see if we are dealing with more than we know.
26th February 2015

1st march 2015

3rd March 2015

5th March 2015
Mom, don't listen to the cat.....
I'm just hugging him, honest!!!

17th march 2015

18th March 2015
Happy St. Patrick's Day!!
He's 16 weeks.

21st march 2015
Dealing with some behavior issues with True that I've never seen in a puppy, primarily aggression. I'm so hoping it's nothing but worry about the puppy mill breeding. When we try to correct True and/or tell him "no", his reaction is to bark & snap at us. We are trying the short lead, but now he barks, snaps & darts away before we can grab the lead. We've raised a lot of dogs over the years & have never had a puppy that doesn't seem to care if we are not happy with him & seems to have no desire to try to please us. We've tried ignoring him, time outs, positive reinforcements, treats. I know He's won so many hearts & certainly has mine & my husbands so hoping for some reassurance & also suggestions. He's so smart & knows right from wrong, but just doesn't seem to care.

He is definitely more aggressive with me than my husband too, Funny thing is, I do most of the training & work with the dogs. You would think he would see me as more the alpha.

I have to admit that I was a little scared to admit that we are having struggles with True. it does almost seem like he's bi-polar. We are experienced dog owners (including several rescues and have taken all at least to a CGC status), but have never had such a challenge with a puppy.
23rd March 2015
Update on True: as soon as I voiced my concerns about him being aggressive, he did a 180 & has been perfect! Including no accidents even overnight for 48 hours. He's being such a good boy!! 

29th March 2015
Puppy class is exhausting, Mom!

2nd April 2015
I'm a big boy now so Mom trusts me while she has a shower!
16th April 2015
Bonnie Moser Datson Deb.. listening to the news today.. and the respiratory illness that True had, sounds just like that Canine Flu that is now sweeping the mid west..
Deb Heary McAtee I agree, Bonnie Moser Datson. It does sound like what True had. So very thankful he survived it....there were days that we didn't think he would.

3rd May 2015
Yesterday was a day of firsts for True. He had his first swim in the lake & his first boat ride. I didn't get pictures of his first swim because he immediately jumped off the dock while I was still helping Kodi down the steps. He's going to be a great camp dog!

11th May 2015
True is getting brave & is going up to the front of the boat now. He's loving his boat rides & I lost count how many times he went for a swim yesterday. He's learned to open the camp door by himself (it's funny because Kodi can too, but Benny at 3 has never even tried) & was in the lake swimming around the island before breakfast.

22nd May 2015
 True is being "loved beyond measure" in our family. We are still/again dealing with some health issues as well as behavioral issues, but are treating him holistically with essential oils & flower essences and TRAINING, TRAINING, TRAINING. 

26th May 2015

27th May 2015
Sorry, but I have to brag on True. He is week 4 of obedience class. It's an adult class & only 1 dog his age. Last week the instructor declared him the "the star" and tonight she said "he is working better with you than any newf I've had in class". So proud of this boy with such a rough start. 

3rd June 2015
Sorry to say that True tested positive for giardia again. We thought we'd beaten it. 😢

16th June 2015

2nd October 2015
He's about 120 pounds at almost 11 months. He's still very tall & thin. He's much taller than my Kodiak (8 year old newf).

15th November 2015
Getting ready for a birthday party tomorrow. Party supplies ready & peanut butter pumpkin pup cakes in the oven. True Love Braveheart is going to be 1! 

When I can't find a big enough space to hide the toys in the house so need to leave them in my car.....I might have spoiled him A LITTLE!

16th November 2015