A Big Newfy Thanks to Windy Reed and Sheldon for sharing their experience, in the hope of helping others.

Windy wanted to share these links to the hospital and doctors that are helping her and Sheldon through this :
26th November 2013
Thank you for allowing me to join this group. This is my 8 month old newfe Sheldon. He's my pride and joy. Right now he's been having medical problems. We go in for an MRI Monday
they believe he has fluid build up or wobblers , fluid is around the neck and back. there not sure on anything yet. the doctor leaning toward wobblers

28th November 2013
sheldon driving me off the wall. i can tell when he not feeling good he does up oh in the house. so im going to call a person to clean the carpet really good and sheldon will be getting checked. does anybody else newfe do this. he is great when he feels good but when he doesnt he pretty much says screw you
2nd December 2013
Up in Columbus to get Sheldon MRI. Wish us good luck. Will post when we know what's going on.
5th December 2013
Sheldon goes in January 14 for his surgery. Poor guy turns 10 months old that day and gets cut open. He'll have to spend at least one day up there. Trying to get everything in line. Our collie will have to be boarded for at least two weeks to give him time to heal. (Not looking forward to her leaving). Have to get everything approved from insurance. Here to the new year lol
He has a bone between his skull and vertebra that is pointing down cutting off his spinal cord fluid and could cause spinal damage. I guess you could say its a bone spur. With him being only 8months and growing the best thing is to get it out of there before damage is cause
The team he has is very caring and believes he will have a great recovery. Just hoping the collie doesn't think were abandoned her. She has to be boarded while he recovers.
15th December 2013
I had to break down and give Sheldon some meds for pain. He wasn't crying but whine a little when he moves his neck and not acting himself. I'll be so glad when surgery done and over
He's been doing great up until now but he woke up not himself. I'm just hoping it's a one time thing. He's sleeping now
Need advice. With Sheldon spinal cord fluid being mess because of the bone spur pinich it off. Hes been having number two accidents. Vet told us to expect it. Should we hire a steam cleaner company to come in or do you guys know of any good carpet cleaners to buy or shampoo. I don't want people to think were dirty or not taking care of them because of smell.

18th December 2013
Just got the call from the vet. They are putting Sheldon on drugs for pain. I hate the idea but whatever keeps him comfortable till surgery. Hopefully this works
Right now he's been using the bathroom in the house. Not him at all. I also think he has a uti. He'll be seeing the regular vet tonight
We got him a big bed today to try and keep him off the floor
I am so mad at the drug store in town. They tried to say sheldon brain doctor isn't a real vet and the mg was to high. First of all a newfie isn't your average size dog and second of all he is a real vet. I saw his degress. Instead of calling the vet back they didn't. I went to my regular vet. He luckly had the paper work from columbus and fill Sheldon drugs. My regular vet said the dosage is actually low for him. Thank God for Dr.Groah
He's drug right now. But acting better. He wants to play. I swear if it wasn't for groah I be bald right now. He's like I'll fill Sheldon drugs for you. Just give me a few. Which was no issue Sheldon flirted with his staff
He's acting a lot better. Back to tearing shit up
20th December 2013
So Sheldon was put on pain meds and he has became a hell raiser. He is running around and jumping like he's not even hurt. I think his pain killers are going to be cut down. Can't have him hurting himself more then he already is.
I'm afraid of him over doing it. He about took the tree out.
He's been in time out a lot
He's been getting put in his cage when he's been going haywire. Vet said I'm doing good and he's doing good. Just got to keep him calm
21st December 2013
Sheldon had a rough morning. Had an accident. I'm wondering if the coconut oil not agree with him. Or make the peanut butter he's doing cow pattys. Didn't sleep to well last night.
Vet told me to try green beans. Right now he's in the cage. Might go to the pet store to get him and his sister a toy a piece
MedVet called they have to move Sheldon surgery from the 14th to 16th if the doctor agrees
Its okay we knew going in it might change. The doctors travel between two hospitals. He's doing good and we know if something happens they'll be there. He's chewing on his bone
Yep he's actually sleeping while I'm not
26th December 2013
We bought Sheldon a bed so he wouldn't lay on the floor and be easier on his neck. Thing is he refuses to use it and takes a shit on it. How do I stop this? Should I put the bed up till after surgery?
I'm going to clean it again and lysol it. I think he just want to push buttons
29th December 2013
Sheldon behavior is horrible. If he doesn't get his way he barks or goes potty on something. I have no clue what to do. He knows he done wrong because he'll walk into his cage and lay there.
He's not allowed to play much because of him happen to have surgery on his neck. Don't know if he's acting act also because he's not allowed to do much.
30th December 2013
I take him on car rides a couple times a week. He seems to enjoy that especially when we see the vet to pick up meds. He believes he needs to shake everybody hand and lay in the middle of the floor till his stomach gets rubbed. Right now I have kong toys with stuff in them getting frozen. We are trying to make him comfortable but his acting out driving us banana.
5th January 2014
Poor Sheldon having a hard day. Been limping and not much energy. Just all around laying around. Been trying to keep him comfortable as much as can be. Put his big bed down he still wants to lay on the floor

7th January 2014
Need thoughts and prays. Sheldon going in Wednesday. He's having issues walking and staying up. Depending on what they see he might be having surgery this week instead of next week.
Yea this mom freaking out
I feel like bawling my eyes out. Sheldon worse today he's walking like he's drunk. Tomorrow can't come soon enough. I don't know what to do. The doctor told me to keep him comfortable. He just seems so sad and helpless.
9th January 2014
Sheldon can't have surgery. Arthritis in his elbows. Pieces might be breaking off. Neck doing good pain from elbow. I just want to cry and probably will
He has bilateral elbow effusion on top of bone spur
Bone spur postpone till we figure elbows out
I haven't really told anybody in my family. A few members told me months ago to put him down. Thats not me
He has
Occipital malformation (bone spur)
Bilayeral elbow effusion
right now he's on meds till he see the surgeon on tuesday. Then we go from there. They want him kept comfortable. Probably xrays. Its on his right side. I just feel horrible. Keep running through my brain trying to figure out what I done wrong
So now we play the waiting game for six days. The staff said he was a good boy. He played with the horse toy in the fence in area and loved on them
they told me to let him make his own limit till we see what's up. Him and Bernice are barking at each other. Bernice takes his bones and toys
Our breeder takes them back and puts them to sleep
He's staying with us. We have pet insurance. He's my kid and I told him along time ago I'm in it for the long haul. You fight I'll fight
They are truly like my kids
The neck we had an mri a month ago and found the bone spur growing into the spinalcord
They don't want to touch till he see a doctor over his elbow. Yes he was supposed to have surgery next Thursday but post pone.
I talked to my home vet this morning he made me feel a lot better. Sheldon doing good today. Little brat talked me into a $30 toy. Wasn't hard to talk me into it. He also stole my mom cinnamon roll and ate it
I just dropped off Bernice to the trainer and kennel for a month. She's in good hands. Thought it still be best to send her there to make sure Sheldon rests and to figure out our next move
10th January 2014
He's doing better today. I'm getting ready to set my alarm for his 1am pills. He's been falling me around since Bernice at Lances.
Rough night last night. Sheldon doing great with the meds but this mommy kept waking up watching him and doing research on everything
Sheldon has a bone spur where his spine and skull connect. We went up yesterday to check him out because we thought he was having issues with it. Turns out both his elbows are swelling. There afraid bones are breaking off. He see a bone doctor Tuesday and his spinal surgery is post pone till we figure out what's going on with elbows.
11th January 2014
The drugs seem to be working on Sheldon. He has played fetch, lick Highway, rolling around on his back, had a barking match with my mom's dog and now he's taking a nap. The doctor said to let him do what he wants because its the best thing for him they don't want him getting stiff.
Its nice to seem him playing. He actually just barked and woke me up (slept pass my alarm for his pills) he's eating his sandwich of meds and I'm heading to bed
13th January 2014
Sheldon not wanting to take his meds today. I give him a peanut butter sandwich with then it it he takes it and drops its. Finally after awhile he eats it. We're having a lazy day. Daddy home and were napping and watching tv
14th January 2014
They had to take Sheldon off some of his meds. Making him have an upset stomach. Off to MedVet tomorrow to see Dr.Barnhart. other then the stomach issues he's been doing great. My home vet check his elbows and said he has hardly any swelling.
On the road again. Just can't wait to be on the road again. Heading up for Sheldon appointment. Neither one of us slept good. Thank goodness I'm not driving. Will keep you all posted.
Sheldon has elbow dysplasia. Go in February 6th for surgery. Sheldon tried to jump their fence in play area and escape. Heading home
15th January 2014
Sheldon slowly going back to eating. I hear him growling because the puppy trying to take his bone. Went to my vet last night to talk to him. While waiting a dog that I been worrying about came in. I met this dog a month ago. He has a tumor growing from the inside out. The couple was there to end his suffering. There was nothing anybody could do to help him. It was attach to his heart. Just got me thinking while sitting there we do all we can for our pets, doesn't matter how big or small. Sometimes we don't know how it will end but what we do know is the love we share for them and the love they give back even on their darkest day not showing a hint nothing wrong.
Who the baby and who the big person? Mommy the baby and Sheldon the big person. Just started the shots, 2.5ml in the back leg. Ouch!!!!
I'm doing them. I'm a trooper . Next time I'll take video or pictures. The vet showed me.
I'm fine with it. My home vet keeps telling me when Sheldon has surgery and his staples has to come out that he's doing one and I'm taking the rest out
16th January 2014
I have seen an improvement with Sheldon after the shots. Moving a lot easier. He also slept through the night.
Sheldon meds have been change around. He's still not eating like he should. He is now only allowed to eat boneless chicken and rice for about three days. We have to call MedVet every day and update them on what's going on. One step forward one step back and to the side.
Just frustrated he hasn't touch his dog food for a few days. Won't take his pills unless grandma or Larry breaks up the sandwich and feed it to him. He ate a cup of rice and chicken mix. Baby steps I guess
17th January 2014
1am meds is a fight. He's refusing. Larry right now trying to feed him with a spoon. Larry just came in and told me he had to put it on his paw a few times so he can lick it off then switch to a spoon and finally after the spoon he ate the rest out of the yogurt. I swear he's getting the best of me right now. Don't want to take meds or eat much. I guess I shouldn't complain much he is in wonderful spirit. Back to bed and up at 7am for more meds

18th January 2014
Blood and stool came back great. They believe the meds are causing upset stomach. Shot for upset stomach and they want the pills spread out more and send stuff to make his stool hard.
Whose eating and taking all of his drugs? That's right Sheldon Fluffy Minion Reed is.
It wasn't just me. It was a team effort. Larry, Sheldon and MedVet
So happy that Sheldon breeder cares about him. I called her today and told her about the elbows. Sheldon eating slowly picking up. Still fighting him over his meds. Si and Sheldon been playing all day.
Sheldon arthritis meds
Right now its twice a week till surgery. After surgery its once a week forever
Sheldon begging for food
His stool is just liquid. Hopefully the meds to tighten it up works
23rd January 2014
We are a go for surgery next Thursday. Have to be up there at 8am. I'm going to joke with my family friends and tell them they need to send Sheldon get well card. Lol
29th January 2014
Sheldon threw up Friday night all over my bed. Luckily only happen once. He's in good spirits been running around the house like he's racing somebody. Surgery is set for this Thursday. I'm actually packing his bag tonight and put it in the car so I don't forget. Wish us luck
30th January 2014
They just took Sheldon back. If everything goes right he'll have surgery this afternoon
1st February 2014
Sheldon doing great. I called at 3am to see how he was. Left elbow was worse then the right. Getting ready to go get my big guy.
2nd February 2014
Sheldon update: He ate about two cups of food last night. He's in love with ice cubes. That's mostly what he wants. He has his drugs in him and tail wagging. Not wanting to eat much today so he got some chicken.
He got in trouble last night. He tried to jump on my bed. Big no no.
He's allowed out to potty and three five minutes walk a day and then the next week the walk increase. He's only aloud to walk on flat surfaces. No running, jumping playing and others
I am so mad at my mother's dog she went after Sheldon. Right where the staples are. I put her dog in the bedroom so Sheldon could be out of the cage and walk around. She lets her out and her dog does that and Sheldon tries to run.
Sheldon is trying to eat his cone
The vet don't want an inflatable I asked. They want a shirt on him. I told the nurse he gets hot a lot and I don't want to over heat him.
Getting ready to get Sheldon settle in for bed. I believe tomorrow I'm going to take my bed apart so he can be in there and sleep.
3rd February 2014

17th February 2014
Update on Sheldon: he is back on painkillers because of his neck. If things get worse im to call before friday. Friday im to call with an update
He's mostly in pain in the middle of the night. I think it might be the way he's laying. He likes to lay on the hard floor even though he has a bed and also can sleep on mine

3rd March 2014
13th March 2014
Surgery is sneaking up on us. No matter how much I prepare I feel like I'm missing something.
Well Sheldon has had a very eventful birthday. He had cake with Lizzy, Bernadette, Si and the neighbor dog Ginger. We took a nap this afternoon. Went to my sister house and played with cousin Leonard. Right now he just got done chasing Bernadette and is eating ice. All in all I believe he had a wonderful birthday. He got toys earlier this week. With everything he's been through in the last six months he's one happy tail wagging little dog. Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes. Please keep us in your thoughts. We go in April third for his last surgery. (Hopefully for awhile) Si and Bernadette will be gone for the month of April so Sheldon wont do anything he not suppose to do and have set backs
17th March 2014
I'm a little nerves. The nurse that Sheldon has at medvet that I love to death. She owns giant breeds so I know he's in good hands. I haven't seen her the last two times I was up there. They told me she had surgery last time I was there. I left a message on his doctor answering machine and it wasn't her voice like it always is. Maybe I'm just on edge but I'm Hoping she didn't leave
19th March 2014
Sheldon meds got increased today. Started having issues last night. I know it's not my fault but I feel horrible he has been doing so well.
20th March 2014
Sheldon CBC profile came back today. Everything good. So were good to go for surgery April 3rd
Two weeks from today Sheldon and I will be up in Columbus for his spinal surgery. His CBC profile came back normal. So there no hold up knock on wood.
25th March 2014
Got some news today from the doctor. They pretty much want Sheldon on bed rest until he has surgery on April 3rd. He's dragging his feet like a kid does on the floor. Please keep us in your thoughts and the collies also.
26th March 2014
Sheldon didn't sleep at all last night. He's mad and he's letting me know
31st March 2014
19th April 2014
You know your a regular when they already have Sheldon file pull up when you walk through the door.
My dad and boyfriend keeps asking me what I want for easter. The only thing I want is Sheldon to be happy and health. That Wednesday if he needs surgery this is his last one. I want him to enjoy being a puppy. I want to see him run and jump with the collies. Spend his day enjoying life and not at a doctor appointment or resting an injury. Is that hard to have?
1st May 2014
I had a few people ask about Sheldon so I thought I put an update in here. Sheldon doing wonderful. Stopped limping, back to eating and very active. We go this Wednesday to see Dr.Barnhart to recheck his leg, Dr.Dudley to recheck his surgery site, Dr.Lovett to see if there improvement on the neurological side and physical therapy to see if his strength is up to where is should be. Im hoping after this Wednesday we get wonderful news all away around.
sheldon driving me off the wall. i can tell when he not feeling good he does up oh in the house. so im going to call a person to clean the carpet really good and sheldon will be getting checked. does anybody else newfe do this. he is great when he feels good but when he doesnt he pretty much says screw you
2nd December 2013
Up in Columbus to get Sheldon MRI. Wish us good luck. Will post when we know what's going on.
5th December 2013
Sheldon goes in January 14 for his surgery. Poor guy turns 10 months old that day and gets cut open. He'll have to spend at least one day up there. Trying to get everything in line. Our collie will have to be boarded for at least two weeks to give him time to heal. (Not looking forward to her leaving). Have to get everything approved from insurance. Here to the new year lol
He has a bone between his skull and vertebra that is pointing down cutting off his spinal cord fluid and could cause spinal damage. I guess you could say its a bone spur. With him being only 8months and growing the best thing is to get it out of there before damage is cause
The team he has is very caring and believes he will have a great recovery. Just hoping the collie doesn't think were abandoned her. She has to be boarded while he recovers.
15th December 2013
I had to break down and give Sheldon some meds for pain. He wasn't crying but whine a little when he moves his neck and not acting himself. I'll be so glad when surgery done and over
He's been doing great up until now but he woke up not himself. I'm just hoping it's a one time thing. He's sleeping now
Need advice. With Sheldon spinal cord fluid being mess because of the bone spur pinich it off. Hes been having number two accidents. Vet told us to expect it. Should we hire a steam cleaner company to come in or do you guys know of any good carpet cleaners to buy or shampoo. I don't want people to think were dirty or not taking care of them because of smell.

18th December 2013
Just got the call from the vet. They are putting Sheldon on drugs for pain. I hate the idea but whatever keeps him comfortable till surgery. Hopefully this works
Right now he's been using the bathroom in the house. Not him at all. I also think he has a uti. He'll be seeing the regular vet tonight
We got him a big bed today to try and keep him off the floor
I am so mad at the drug store in town. They tried to say sheldon brain doctor isn't a real vet and the mg was to high. First of all a newfie isn't your average size dog and second of all he is a real vet. I saw his degress. Instead of calling the vet back they didn't. I went to my regular vet. He luckly had the paper work from columbus and fill Sheldon drugs. My regular vet said the dosage is actually low for him. Thank God for Dr.Groah
He's drug right now. But acting better. He wants to play. I swear if it wasn't for groah I be bald right now. He's like I'll fill Sheldon drugs for you. Just give me a few. Which was no issue Sheldon flirted with his staff
He's acting a lot better. Back to tearing shit up
20th December 2013
So Sheldon was put on pain meds and he has became a hell raiser. He is running around and jumping like he's not even hurt. I think his pain killers are going to be cut down. Can't have him hurting himself more then he already is.
I'm afraid of him over doing it. He about took the tree out.
He's been in time out a lot
He's been getting put in his cage when he's been going haywire. Vet said I'm doing good and he's doing good. Just got to keep him calm
21st December 2013
Sheldon had a rough morning. Had an accident. I'm wondering if the coconut oil not agree with him. Or make the peanut butter he's doing cow pattys. Didn't sleep to well last night.
Vet told me to try green beans. Right now he's in the cage. Might go to the pet store to get him and his sister a toy a piece
MedVet called they have to move Sheldon surgery from the 14th to 16th if the doctor agrees
Its okay we knew going in it might change. The doctors travel between two hospitals. He's doing good and we know if something happens they'll be there. He's chewing on his bone
Yep he's actually sleeping while I'm not
26th December 2013
We bought Sheldon a bed so he wouldn't lay on the floor and be easier on his neck. Thing is he refuses to use it and takes a shit on it. How do I stop this? Should I put the bed up till after surgery?
I'm going to clean it again and lysol it. I think he just want to push buttons
29th December 2013
Sheldon behavior is horrible. If he doesn't get his way he barks or goes potty on something. I have no clue what to do. He knows he done wrong because he'll walk into his cage and lay there.
He's not allowed to play much because of him happen to have surgery on his neck. Don't know if he's acting act also because he's not allowed to do much.
30th December 2013
I take him on car rides a couple times a week. He seems to enjoy that especially when we see the vet to pick up meds. He believes he needs to shake everybody hand and lay in the middle of the floor till his stomach gets rubbed. Right now I have kong toys with stuff in them getting frozen. We are trying to make him comfortable but his acting out driving us banana.
5th January 2014
Poor Sheldon having a hard day. Been limping and not much energy. Just all around laying around. Been trying to keep him comfortable as much as can be. Put his big bed down he still wants to lay on the floor

7th January 2014
Need thoughts and prays. Sheldon going in Wednesday. He's having issues walking and staying up. Depending on what they see he might be having surgery this week instead of next week.
Yea this mom freaking out
I feel like bawling my eyes out. Sheldon worse today he's walking like he's drunk. Tomorrow can't come soon enough. I don't know what to do. The doctor told me to keep him comfortable. He just seems so sad and helpless.
9th January 2014
Sheldon can't have surgery. Arthritis in his elbows. Pieces might be breaking off. Neck doing good pain from elbow. I just want to cry and probably will
He has bilateral elbow effusion on top of bone spur
Bone spur postpone till we figure elbows out
I haven't really told anybody in my family. A few members told me months ago to put him down. Thats not me
He has
Occipital malformation (bone spur)
Bilayeral elbow effusion
right now he's on meds till he see the surgeon on tuesday. Then we go from there. They want him kept comfortable. Probably xrays. Its on his right side. I just feel horrible. Keep running through my brain trying to figure out what I done wrong
So now we play the waiting game for six days. The staff said he was a good boy. He played with the horse toy in the fence in area and loved on them
they told me to let him make his own limit till we see what's up. Him and Bernice are barking at each other. Bernice takes his bones and toys
Our breeder takes them back and puts them to sleep
He's staying with us. We have pet insurance. He's my kid and I told him along time ago I'm in it for the long haul. You fight I'll fight
They are truly like my kids
The neck we had an mri a month ago and found the bone spur growing into the spinalcord
They don't want to touch till he see a doctor over his elbow. Yes he was supposed to have surgery next Thursday but post pone.
I talked to my home vet this morning he made me feel a lot better. Sheldon doing good today. Little brat talked me into a $30 toy. Wasn't hard to talk me into it. He also stole my mom cinnamon roll and ate it
I just dropped off Bernice to the trainer and kennel for a month. She's in good hands. Thought it still be best to send her there to make sure Sheldon rests and to figure out our next move
10th January 2014
He's doing better today. I'm getting ready to set my alarm for his 1am pills. He's been falling me around since Bernice at Lances.
Rough night last night. Sheldon doing great with the meds but this mommy kept waking up watching him and doing research on everything
Sheldon has a bone spur where his spine and skull connect. We went up yesterday to check him out because we thought he was having issues with it. Turns out both his elbows are swelling. There afraid bones are breaking off. He see a bone doctor Tuesday and his spinal surgery is post pone till we figure out what's going on with elbows.
11th January 2014
The drugs seem to be working on Sheldon. He has played fetch, lick Highway, rolling around on his back, had a barking match with my mom's dog and now he's taking a nap. The doctor said to let him do what he wants because its the best thing for him they don't want him getting stiff.
Its nice to seem him playing. He actually just barked and woke me up (slept pass my alarm for his pills) he's eating his sandwich of meds and I'm heading to bed
13th January 2014
Sheldon not wanting to take his meds today. I give him a peanut butter sandwich with then it it he takes it and drops its. Finally after awhile he eats it. We're having a lazy day. Daddy home and were napping and watching tv
14th January 2014
They had to take Sheldon off some of his meds. Making him have an upset stomach. Off to MedVet tomorrow to see Dr.Barnhart. other then the stomach issues he's been doing great. My home vet check his elbows and said he has hardly any swelling.
On the road again. Just can't wait to be on the road again. Heading up for Sheldon appointment. Neither one of us slept good. Thank goodness I'm not driving. Will keep you all posted.
Sheldon has elbow dysplasia. Go in February 6th for surgery. Sheldon tried to jump their fence in play area and escape. Heading home
15th January 2014
Sheldon slowly going back to eating. I hear him growling because the puppy trying to take his bone. Went to my vet last night to talk to him. While waiting a dog that I been worrying about came in. I met this dog a month ago. He has a tumor growing from the inside out. The couple was there to end his suffering. There was nothing anybody could do to help him. It was attach to his heart. Just got me thinking while sitting there we do all we can for our pets, doesn't matter how big or small. Sometimes we don't know how it will end but what we do know is the love we share for them and the love they give back even on their darkest day not showing a hint nothing wrong.
Who the baby and who the big person? Mommy the baby and Sheldon the big person. Just started the shots, 2.5ml in the back leg. Ouch!!!!
I'm doing them. I'm a trooper . Next time I'll take video or pictures. The vet showed me.
I'm fine with it. My home vet keeps telling me when Sheldon has surgery and his staples has to come out that he's doing one and I'm taking the rest out
16th January 2014
I have seen an improvement with Sheldon after the shots. Moving a lot easier. He also slept through the night.
Sheldon meds have been change around. He's still not eating like he should. He is now only allowed to eat boneless chicken and rice for about three days. We have to call MedVet every day and update them on what's going on. One step forward one step back and to the side.
Just frustrated he hasn't touch his dog food for a few days. Won't take his pills unless grandma or Larry breaks up the sandwich and feed it to him. He ate a cup of rice and chicken mix. Baby steps I guess
17th January 2014
1am meds is a fight. He's refusing. Larry right now trying to feed him with a spoon. Larry just came in and told me he had to put it on his paw a few times so he can lick it off then switch to a spoon and finally after the spoon he ate the rest out of the yogurt. I swear he's getting the best of me right now. Don't want to take meds or eat much. I guess I shouldn't complain much he is in wonderful spirit. Back to bed and up at 7am for more meds

18th January 2014
Blood and stool came back great. They believe the meds are causing upset stomach. Shot for upset stomach and they want the pills spread out more and send stuff to make his stool hard.
Whose eating and taking all of his drugs? That's right Sheldon Fluffy Minion Reed is.
It wasn't just me. It was a team effort. Larry, Sheldon and MedVet
So happy that Sheldon breeder cares about him. I called her today and told her about the elbows. Sheldon eating slowly picking up. Still fighting him over his meds. Si and Sheldon been playing all day.
Sheldon arthritis meds
Right now its twice a week till surgery. After surgery its once a week forever
Sheldon begging for food
His stool is just liquid. Hopefully the meds to tighten it up works
23rd January 2014
We are a go for surgery next Thursday. Have to be up there at 8am. I'm going to joke with my family friends and tell them they need to send Sheldon get well card. Lol
29th January 2014
Sheldon threw up Friday night all over my bed. Luckily only happen once. He's in good spirits been running around the house like he's racing somebody. Surgery is set for this Thursday. I'm actually packing his bag tonight and put it in the car so I don't forget. Wish us luck
30th January 2014
They just took Sheldon back. If everything goes right he'll have surgery this afternoon
1st February 2014
Sheldon doing great. I called at 3am to see how he was. Left elbow was worse then the right. Getting ready to go get my big guy.
2nd February 2014
Sheldon update: He ate about two cups of food last night. He's in love with ice cubes. That's mostly what he wants. He has his drugs in him and tail wagging. Not wanting to eat much today so he got some chicken.
He got in trouble last night. He tried to jump on my bed. Big no no.
He's allowed out to potty and three five minutes walk a day and then the next week the walk increase. He's only aloud to walk on flat surfaces. No running, jumping playing and others
I am so mad at my mother's dog she went after Sheldon. Right where the staples are. I put her dog in the bedroom so Sheldon could be out of the cage and walk around. She lets her out and her dog does that and Sheldon tries to run.
Sheldon is trying to eat his cone
The vet don't want an inflatable I asked. They want a shirt on him. I told the nurse he gets hot a lot and I don't want to over heat him.
Getting ready to get Sheldon settle in for bed. I believe tomorrow I'm going to take my bed apart so he can be in there and sleep.
Sheldon won. I tore my bed apart so he can sleep in my room. Bed on the floor so he won't be jumping.
He's eating ice on my bed not really happy about it but ill allow it
His elbows are supposed to be ice hasn't happened but once
3rd February 2014
Sheldon update: he spent the night in my room and up till now he spent the day out of the cage. He tried to run and jump. So for his own safety he's back in the cage.
he has limits that I know if it was up to him they be out the door
Right now he's giving me evil Looks

he has staples behind his elbow
they don't want him itching or bottling the staples

I been thinking about making two scrapbooks. One for me and medvet about Sheldon journey. Give it to them when were all done for a thank you gift

I did just order Sheldon bright lime green leg warmers. Dr.Barnhart staff told me if I fine something to cover the staples then the cone can come off.
Guess who just ate about three cups of food? That's right Sheldon Fluffy Minion Reed!!! I also notice today he's NOT walking with a limp.
3rd February 2014
Sheldon is going nuts itching around his e- collar. Has anybody else had this issue?
As soon as I take it off he goes for the staples
I need a big shirt to put on him
Is it bad I'm counting down the days till his staples are out?
16th February 2014
Sheldon woke up whiny in pain.
I think its the bone spur he kept whinning when he moved his neck.

I did just order Sheldon bright lime green leg warmers. Dr.Barnhart staff told me if I fine something to cover the staples then the cone can come off.
Guess who just ate about three cups of food? That's right Sheldon Fluffy Minion Reed!!! I also notice today he's NOT walking with a limp.
3rd February 2014
Sheldon is going nuts itching around his e- collar. Has anybody else had this issue?
As soon as I take it off he goes for the staples
I need a big shirt to put on him
Is it bad I'm counting down the days till his staples are out?
16th February 2014
Sheldon woke up whiny in pain.
I think its the bone spur he kept whinning when he moved his neck.
Elbow surgery trump it. They were afraid if they did the neck first and the elbows gave out it would cause neck damage.
I gave him tramadol.
We go the 26th to schedule the surgery to remove the bone spur
They'll be in tomorrow and they told me awhile ago if he gets in pain give him a pain killer

17th February 2014
Update on Sheldon: he is back on painkillers because of his neck. If things get worse im to call before friday. Friday im to call with an update
He's mostly in pain in the middle of the night. I think it might be the way he's laying. He likes to lay on the hard floor even though he has a bed and also can sleep on mine
Usually the tramadol relax him enough to sleep. I can give him up to four but im giving two since it's working
I have also been rubbing him gentle
I have also been rubbing him gentle
his pills are 50mg a piece. I know a few humans thst can't handle one pill let alone four
19th February 2014
Sheldon hasn't had much energy today. Been having his head down a lot so I believe its the bone spur causing issues. If he doesn't act better by tomorrow will be calling doctor and probably make the 2hr drive to see what's the issue.
I just called. We noticed he's limping on the back leg a little bit
His specialists are that far away. Nothing closer. Dr.Barnhart the top of his field and Dr.Lovett one of the best.
Really!!! Drug stores drive me nuts. MedVet told me what to get to help Sheldon pain. Its over the counter. Does anyone around us have it? No. I'm told I have to have a prescription. Yet I just order it off Amazon without one.
It's traumeel. hes already on tramadol
Sheldon will be taking his pain killers every eight hrs along with traumeel
21st February 2014
Well Sheldon feeling better. Turn my back to get something. He climbs on a table about 3ft off the ground sits on it and while im hurrying to get him down he falls off. We will be making a trip to the vet tonight just to check him out and make sure he's okay. Bernadette will also be going since Sheldon sit on her and she limping. Never a dull moment.
23rd February 2014
Update on Sheldon: he is back to sleeping the whole night through. Between the tramadol and traumeel it seems to be doing the trick. Yesterday we took Sheldon and Si with us on our outing. Sheldon was extremely happy since he got to see two of his buddies and go to the pet store. We ended up getting them they toys to put treats in. I had to laugh at Sheldon when he got all his treats free and ate them, Sheldon would bring the toy back to me for it to get fill up. Really suggest if your dog have any dysplasia to look at traumeel. What I read in reviews it really helps and it seems to help Sheldon a lot.
24th February 2014
Well Sheldon big appointments are in three days. He'll be seeing Dr.Barnhart to see how his elbows are doing after the surgery.
Dr.Lovett to see how he's doing with the bone spur and to schedule that surgery and also
Dr. Aiden to make sure his heart mummer has went away. (His heart mummer was so slight. she barely heard it. Well be driving the two hrs up there and will be up there most of the day. Hope we get good news all away around that day.
It was a cardiologist that check him out and found it. There running the echo thing again to see if there a difference from October. She was pretty sure he would grow out of it. Sheldon has a team of doctors as I call them. A neurologist, cardiologist and orthopedic doctor. He passed out on us Halloween night and stop breathing and then started back up. We took him two hours away and they kept him the night to run ekg all night and to do the echo in the morning.
They believe the bone spur caused the fainting. The bone spur is located where his skull and back connect. Its pinching off his spinal fluid.

I would like to thank everybody that had either read Sheldon blog or asked about him. To tell the truth on the really dark days you help us see the rainbow which isnt always easy. Sometimes things happen in life we can't explain and Sheldon one of them. I wouldn't trade him in the world he has taught me things about life
Coral Rasmussen and you have taught me about the value of friendship thru common experience. Thank you
Cookie Grimaldi Von Behren You have strengthened this family of Newfys and our love to them, We are always here for you as you are for us. Bless you Windy
Viv Mueller this page is like my bear pages I belong to...we are here for one another during thick and thin....that's what these pages are here for, I believe. In good times and in bad times...to put a smile on someone's face when they have nothing but tears rolling down their cheeks..where things seem so bad...there is no light at the end of the tunnel...these are the things that make pages like these so important to peoples' lives..."other" people just don't understand...here we know exactly how you feel.....

26th February 2014
Larry and I took MedVet in a surprise today. We had a cake made for them, Thanking them for everything they have done for sheldon and our other fur babies. They were very excited about it. Told us nobody done this before. Of course we took Sheldon with us because he jump in the car and he of course flirted with the staff. I have seen a major improvement with him. He jumps and stand on his back legs which he has hardly ever done that. Im glad to see things going up.

Keep us in your thoughts as we make the 2hr trip one way to Sheldon appointments. We are very hopefully to hear positive feed back from the doctors. Since we have see major improvement with how Sheldon acts
27th February 2014
Update: Sheldon has seen two of the three doctors. Dr.Barnhart says Sheldon elbows look amazing and he's doing amazing. He's actually ahead on healing. Dr.Lovett said Sheldon has shown improvement with the bone spur. We are still going ahead with surgery because he's still growing and there afraid the bone spur is also still growing and will cause him to lose walking ability. Barnhart actually might be doing his spinal surgery.
Yea im really happy about it. Dr.Barnhart won't be doing the surgery Dudley will. I told Lovett I want to meet with him which i will today. Hoping the heart great news
Sheldon meds have been decreased. Still waiting on the last report. We decided to go out to get a bite. (Only 6mins away if that). Hoping the heart good and we'll be on our way home. Im so going to talk my regular vet into going the day of surgery.Heart shows a slight defect but nothing to worry about. He will be recheck in a year
April 3rd the surgery. The bone spur luckily isnt in c6 of the spine. That helps control breathing. Still very much a difficult surgery
Sheldon bone spur surgery has been set for April 3rd. After talking to the surgeon I feel nerves.
28th February 2014
Sheldon first 12hrs with drug decreased has him thinking he's a collie. Jumping over things and running through the house. He was very happy to play fetch last night since its been about two months since we played last
Even though Sheldon appointments went great yesterday its time for us to start planning for surgery on April 3rd. This surgery has me worried. I trust the doctors but still spinal surgery is dangers either way you look at it. We talked to doctor dudley yesterday about everything. The good part is the bone spur is not located on c6 or c7. Them two places care the nerves that control breathing. He could be in the hospital for up to 48hrs depend on how he is doing after surgery.... He will have a tube down his throat so they can breath for him. The collies will have to be kennel for a month. He pretty much not allowed to do anything for a month. Healing time is 4-6 months. If he doesnt show improvement after his 4 week post off he will probably be sent to physical therapy. I know I need to enjoy him and not worry about surgery till its closer but sometimes you just cant help it.
Sorry if Im bothering you with all of sheldon news and issues
he's been through a lot but has a lot of the top doctors in the state and some in the country. They have helped us get through it and talk to each other. During the process we tried our best to make sure where doing everything right. It just sucks he was developed in the womb with the spur.
19th February 2014
Sheldon hasn't had much energy today. Been having his head down a lot so I believe its the bone spur causing issues. If he doesn't act better by tomorrow will be calling doctor and probably make the 2hr drive to see what's the issue.
I just called. We noticed he's limping on the back leg a little bit
His specialists are that far away. Nothing closer. Dr.Barnhart the top of his field and Dr.Lovett one of the best.
Really!!! Drug stores drive me nuts. MedVet told me what to get to help Sheldon pain. Its over the counter. Does anyone around us have it? No. I'm told I have to have a prescription. Yet I just order it off Amazon without one.
It's traumeel. hes already on tramadol
Sheldon will be taking his pain killers every eight hrs along with traumeel
21st February 2014
Well Sheldon feeling better. Turn my back to get something. He climbs on a table about 3ft off the ground sits on it and while im hurrying to get him down he falls off. We will be making a trip to the vet tonight just to check him out and make sure he's okay. Bernadette will also be going since Sheldon sit on her and she limping. Never a dull moment.
23rd February 2014
Update on Sheldon: he is back to sleeping the whole night through. Between the tramadol and traumeel it seems to be doing the trick. Yesterday we took Sheldon and Si with us on our outing. Sheldon was extremely happy since he got to see two of his buddies and go to the pet store. We ended up getting them they toys to put treats in. I had to laugh at Sheldon when he got all his treats free and ate them, Sheldon would bring the toy back to me for it to get fill up. Really suggest if your dog have any dysplasia to look at traumeel. What I read in reviews it really helps and it seems to help Sheldon a lot.
24th February 2014
Well Sheldon big appointments are in three days. He'll be seeing Dr.Barnhart to see how his elbows are doing after the surgery.
Dr.Lovett to see how he's doing with the bone spur and to schedule that surgery and also
Dr. Aiden to make sure his heart mummer has went away. (His heart mummer was so slight. she barely heard it. Well be driving the two hrs up there and will be up there most of the day. Hope we get good news all away around that day.
It was a cardiologist that check him out and found it. There running the echo thing again to see if there a difference from October. She was pretty sure he would grow out of it. Sheldon has a team of doctors as I call them. A neurologist, cardiologist and orthopedic doctor. He passed out on us Halloween night and stop breathing and then started back up. We took him two hours away and they kept him the night to run ekg all night and to do the echo in the morning.
They believe the bone spur caused the fainting. The bone spur is located where his skull and back connect. Its pinching off his spinal fluid.

I would like to thank everybody that had either read Sheldon blog or asked about him. To tell the truth on the really dark days you help us see the rainbow which isnt always easy. Sometimes things happen in life we can't explain and Sheldon one of them. I wouldn't trade him in the world he has taught me things about life
Coral Rasmussen and you have taught me about the value of friendship thru common experience. Thank you
Cookie Grimaldi Von Behren You have strengthened this family of Newfys and our love to them, We are always here for you as you are for us. Bless you Windy
Viv Mueller this page is like my bear pages I belong to...we are here for one another during thick and thin....that's what these pages are here for, I believe. In good times and in bad times...to put a smile on someone's face when they have nothing but tears rolling down their cheeks..where things seem so bad...there is no light at the end of the tunnel...these are the things that make pages like these so important to peoples' lives..."other" people just don't understand...here we know exactly how you feel.....

26th February 2014
Larry and I took MedVet in a surprise today. We had a cake made for them, Thanking them for everything they have done for sheldon and our other fur babies. They were very excited about it. Told us nobody done this before. Of course we took Sheldon with us because he jump in the car and he of course flirted with the staff. I have seen a major improvement with him. He jumps and stand on his back legs which he has hardly ever done that. Im glad to see things going up.

Keep us in your thoughts as we make the 2hr trip one way to Sheldon appointments. We are very hopefully to hear positive feed back from the doctors. Since we have see major improvement with how Sheldon acts
27th February 2014
Update: Sheldon has seen two of the three doctors. Dr.Barnhart says Sheldon elbows look amazing and he's doing amazing. He's actually ahead on healing. Dr.Lovett said Sheldon has shown improvement with the bone spur. We are still going ahead with surgery because he's still growing and there afraid the bone spur is also still growing and will cause him to lose walking ability. Barnhart actually might be doing his spinal surgery.
Yea im really happy about it. Dr.Barnhart won't be doing the surgery Dudley will. I told Lovett I want to meet with him which i will today. Hoping the heart great news
Sheldon meds have been decreased. Still waiting on the last report. We decided to go out to get a bite. (Only 6mins away if that). Hoping the heart good and we'll be on our way home. Im so going to talk my regular vet into going the day of surgery.Heart shows a slight defect but nothing to worry about. He will be recheck in a year
April 3rd the surgery. The bone spur luckily isnt in c6 of the spine. That helps control breathing. Still very much a difficult surgery
Sheldon bone spur surgery has been set for April 3rd. After talking to the surgeon I feel nerves.
28th February 2014
Sheldon first 12hrs with drug decreased has him thinking he's a collie. Jumping over things and running through the house. He was very happy to play fetch last night since its been about two months since we played last
Even though Sheldon appointments went great yesterday its time for us to start planning for surgery on April 3rd. This surgery has me worried. I trust the doctors but still spinal surgery is dangers either way you look at it. We talked to doctor dudley yesterday about everything. The good part is the bone spur is not located on c6 or c7. Them two places care the nerves that control breathing. He could be in the hospital for up to 48hrs depend on how he is doing after surgery.... He will have a tube down his throat so they can breath for him. The collies will have to be kennel for a month. He pretty much not allowed to do anything for a month. Healing time is 4-6 months. If he doesnt show improvement after his 4 week post off he will probably be sent to physical therapy. I know I need to enjoy him and not worry about surgery till its closer but sometimes you just cant help it.
Sorry if Im bothering you with all of sheldon news and issues
he's been through a lot but has a lot of the top doctors in the state and some in the country. They have helped us get through it and talk to each other. During the process we tried our best to make sure where doing everything right. It just sucks he was developed in the womb with the spur.

3rd March 2014
Yep I can tell the little big guy is feeling much better. We put the bed back together and he decide to jump up on it
9th March 2014
Sheldon has been doing amazing. No waking up at night crying in pain. He has been keeping up with the collies. Jumping on and off the bed. Very well behaved on the walk last night. Only issues I been having is he acts out when I take one of the collies with me and not him. Hoping after everything done we can work on that. Other then that not much to report on him. Si on the other hand has been fighting worms in his stool. After this round of meds done I have to take another stool sample to the vet and three of the cats are fighting fungi in there ears. If its not one things it's another in this household. Larry and I are talking about making team Sheldon shirts to wear to surgery13th March 2014
Surgery is sneaking up on us. No matter how much I prepare I feel like I'm missing something.

first night we brought Sheldon home

14th March 2014
Sheldon 1yr today. With all we have been through I can't believe we made it. Two ER visit, countless appointments and test. One of two surgery down. Its been a bumpy road but I wouldn't trade it.

15th March 2014
17th March 2014
19th March 2014
20th March 2014
Two weeks from today Sheldon and I will be up in Columbus for his spinal surgery. His CBC profile came back normal. So there no hold up knock on wood.
AAHA Accredited Referral Practice of the Year!
We have been named the AAHA (American Animal Hospital Association) Accredited Referral Practice of the Year! This award is given to one exceptional hospital out of more than 27,000 practices. A big thank you all of our clients, patients and referring veterinarians for helping us advance veterinary care and become the best hospital we can be. #medvet #practiceoftheyear #AAHA
We have been named the AAHA (American Animal Hospital Association) Accredited Referral Practice of the Year! This award is given to one exceptional hospital out of more than 27,000 practices. A big thank you all of our clients, patients and referring veterinarians for helping us advance veterinary care and become the best hospital we can be. #medvet #practiceoftheyear #AAHA

21st March 2014
First time in about two to three nights he slept through the night without waking up whining. Si cuddle up to him25th March 2014
26th March 2014
31st March 2014
19th April 2014
You know your a regular when they already have Sheldon file pull up when you walk through the door.
My dad and boyfriend keeps asking me what I want for easter. The only thing I want is Sheldon to be happy and health. That Wednesday if he needs surgery this is his last one. I want him to enjoy being a puppy. I want to see him run and jump with the collies. Spend his day enjoying life and not at a doctor appointment or resting an injury. Is that hard to have?
22nd April 2014
In two days Sheldon and I will know the next step in our journey. Thank you everyone for the out reach of support. I was so afraid to tell anybody of our newest injury. I didnt want anyone to think poorly of this group or attack Sheldon and I. Which nobody has. I enjoyed people checking up on us. Sometime depression kicks in and I wonder the what did I do wrong? The answer is simple nothing. But its hard not to blame myself. I know Sheldon has a wonderful team or doctors behind and we have a wonderful support team here. Thank you
24th April 2014
No surgery. Happy dance1st May 2014
I had a few people ask about Sheldon so I thought I put an update in here. Sheldon doing wonderful. Stopped limping, back to eating and very active. We go this Wednesday to see Dr.Barnhart to recheck his leg, Dr.Dudley to recheck his surgery site, Dr.Lovett to see if there improvement on the neurological side and physical therapy to see if his strength is up to where is should be. Im hoping after this Wednesday we get wonderful news all away around.
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