I thank Kelley and Michael McMahon for allowing me to share their story and experiences, and I hope their absolute devotion to Willow will inspire others to never give up.
"Love them for every minute of every day as they are extremely precious. " Julie Mabire


as a pup

as a pup

As Best Friends

23rd March 2014
As most of you know, we have 2 Newfoundlands. Guinness is an 11 month old male and Brooke is a 10 month old Landseer. They are our introduction to the breed. We have no intention of breeding them, but do not want to get them spayed/neutered before it is safe. Brooke started her first heat yesterday and we have no experience with this. We are planning on going and buying her some undies and sanitary things, but would appreciate any tips/ suggestions for how to keep our sanity over the next few weeks and get through this!!!!
27th March 2014
My dogs are truly going insane while Brooke is in heat!!!!! Guinness won't eat, won't leave her side, and only goes outside when we force him to.Brooke only feels safe while she's in the kennel and is wearing both depends and britches because HE keeps trying to take them off of her!

25th May 2014
Guinness is a year old now and just blew his first winter coat. We had him groomed yesterday and he looks smaller but happier. He had lost about 7 lbs while Brooke was in heat ( he lost his mind temporarily) and has gained that back in the last 5 weeks, but doesn't seem to be gaining like he was. He's eating fine and seems healthy. Is it normal for them to just seem to have slow growing periods?
26th September 2014
I made an appointment to have Brooke groomed and she may be pregnant.(Not confirmed, but highly likely) They asked me if I wanted to have her tummy shaved for puppy access to her nipples. Any thoughts? I need help because I normally would not think to shave any part of my newfs!!
She would only be due around Nov. 7th so I think this would be a little early.
21st October 2014
I am excited/nervous about Brooke's vet appt tomorrow. Should know something about her puppies!!!
22nd October 2014
False Pregnancy!!!! Kind of disappointed to be honest- we got used to the idea already.
They would have been beautiful pups!!! Guinness andBrooke are just great newfs with perfect temperaments and goofy personalities. maybe just not meant to be!!
2nd November 2014
Our landseer, Brooke, is having a thick yellowish discharge. We thought she was pregnant, but the vet says she is suffering a false pregnancy. Now this. We are getting ready to take her to emergency to figure out what this is. Am I overreacting or is the discharge something to be concerned about?
No smell that I'm aware of, but just started today. We are at the E.R. vet right now.

2nd November 2014
Nothing much to do here while waiting for the doctor. Brooke is not thrilled while waiting either!!!
Found out what's wrong with Brooke- those are puppies!!! Ultra sound to follow to make sure they are okay!!!
Thanks everyone who is being supportive. I went from thinking my dog had pyometra to seeing an xray with skulls and spines all in one day. We love our newfs very much, and will love their puppies just as much until we find the right forever homes for them!!

4th November 2014
We are taking Brooke for another appt. with her vet today. They want to do a "complimentary xray" since they can't believe they missed the pregnancy in the first place. Neither can I, because she looks like a billy goat with udders!!! (Sorry Brooke!) To be fair, Brooke's previous appt was with a different doc, not our usual vet. Personally, I don't mind him taking another look, because if there are only three puppies, I worry they might be too large for her to have without help. I really dislike drama in my life, and this has caused an overabundance of it!!
5th November 2014
This is Brooke's whelping box. It is 6×6 and is all ready. She has a whole bedroom to herself. She and the puppies are the only things missing!!
It has soft, furry blankets underneath then plastic, then sheets!!!
I did buy a smaller heating pad and have a medium size box incase I have to keep the puppies warm and safe while she's delivering

I'm actually starting to get excited now, but sad that I will only have 8 -10 weeks to love them!!!!
The puppies are kicking like mad today
7th November 2014
No puppies yet, but we keep on having to scold Guinness for trying to nurse on Brooke!!! Man, he's a handful right now. Time for a little separation.
She's been sleeping a lot during the day and seems really restless at night so I think you're right on about that night delivery. At least she's conditioning us at the same time!!

Just an update: No puppies yet, but I think she wants to have them in the back yard and I don't think so, so Brooke is on lock down! !!
I hope it's soon, my backyard looks like MINE FIELD!!!
I'll see if I can find that or some packing paper. See if that sparks anything for her!!! Thanks for the idea, I'm on it!!!
Packing paper no ink or acid on the way!!!!
Temp 99.8 this evening. Not yet!!!!
9th November 2014
I know I'm just a worrier and probably a little impatient, but Brooke's temp is higher today than normal. It's now over 100 degrees and all she wants do is sleep or dig in the yard. Meanwhile, I am on lock down in my house and getting bored. I'm supposed to be flying all over the country, actually Canada today, and I am restless. I want puppies!!!!
She is acting really strangely!!! She wants nothing to do with the whelping box. I let her out to go to the bathroom and she wedged herself into a small area in the yard and wouldn't come out!! I walked out to get her and she started growling at Guinness!!!
11th November 2014
Update on Brooke: We are at the vets office now. She just got her 2nd shot of oxytocin, and if she doesn't start pushing, they will be doing a c-section.
Nope. It's c-section and spay time for Brooke. Please pray she and puppies are okay!!
Only one female puppy survived and is still fighting for its life. Brooke did fine with the surgery and so far looks good.
I know it happens.. I just didn't know this would be so hard.
This is Brooke's only surviving little girl and she's a fighter!! Please say a prayer for her and Brooke tonight!.Brooke had to stay at the vet 's overnight so we have the puppy until we can get her mom home in the morning.
Thanks for all of the prayers and warm wishes- I think they worked!!!Brooke was doing much better last night by 10:00 PM, so Mike went over and picked her up (in an ice storm). I was so worried because she wanted nothing to do with puppy,at first. Since she had surgery, I covered the downstairs bathroom with blankets and sheets and slept with them on the floor in there.Overnight, another amazing thing!!! Mama got her mothering instinct and puppy learned how to nurse and is a pro!!! I was nervous about naming her since she was brought back (she wasn't alive when she was born) and we were not sure if she'd make it through the first day, but I think we may have to find a very special name for her!!!!! Brooke and baby are both incredible girls!!!

12th November 2014
It's officially a family affair!! Mom protects puppy and Dad protects both of them. I slept on the floor of the bathroom last night with Brooke and baby, but Guinness insisted on staying right there!!!

13th November 2014
As the update for your day: Brooke is doing well, but still in pain. We had to increase her pain meds. Regardless of the pain, she loves her puppy very much!!! I am two nights into camping on the bathroom floor, my back hurts, my shoulders and hips hurt, but my heart is full. As for the little girl, not only is she a fighter, but she also has a seriously strong attitude!!! Two days old and she rules the house- She is the loudest, most insistent puppy I have ever seen. She is very aggressive when she nurses, and won't accept any help finding a teat. However, when I pick her up and put her near my face and soothe her, she quiets so quickly and I love her too much already. Thank-you God for hearing my prayers and allowing us to keep her with us!!
Brooke and Baby without another care in the world. I on the other hand feel some pressure figuring out the perfect name for our little blessing.

18th November 2014
We made it to one week- so very happy!!!! Introducing Brooke's Blessed Willow. As soon as Timara Sailboat posted the name, I knew it was meant for her!!! We will call her Willow!!

19th November 2014
Baby Willow enjoying her heat lamp. She's getting bigger and her coat is getting wavier and fuller!

27th November 2014
Good Morning from Baby Willow!! She opened her eyes and is getting a little chunky!! Sorry about the picture, but all she wants to do is eat and sleep. We are having to bottle feed her since Brooke is not producing enough milk and somehow injured her back?!

28th November 2014
I think Willow is constipated. Any ideas other than the obvious stimulation? We mixed a little pumpkin with her formula, but she seems really uncomfortable!!!
Thanks everyone! We opted for the vet - she has gained almost 1 lb in less than a week since we started bottle feeding
Willow gained almost 1 lb in 4 days
28th November 2014
Happy Thanksgiving from Willow!!

Willow is 2 and a half weeks old
Yes, we are keeping her. She will be the only pup Guinness and Brooke will ever have!
The whole Newf family is doing great!! Guinness thinks he is Willow's mom as much as Brooke!!
I can't believe how fast she's growing!! She is really such a blessing!!!
4th December 2014
Willow likes her bottle- 3 weeks old now. Weaning starts on Monday!!

9th December 2014
4 weeks old.
Baby Willow has teeth!!!! She is starting to use them too, and not on food. She is getting playful already!!

12th December 2014
Almost 5 weeks old!

14th December 2014
We started weaning Willow last night. She will be 5 weeks on Monday and has plenty of puppy teeth! We are mixing soft canned puppy food with her formula. She had her second meal this morning and is already a pro at eating the food and the bath that must follow the feeding, but she passes out afterwards!!
15th December 2014
Sure am glad I had my beautiful newfies to come home to. Treated Guinness and Brooke to Arby's Roast Beef sandwiches, andWillow is getting so rumbunctious and playful, I decided to be a little onery myself. I bought her a little santa hat and little legwarmers, pictures tomorrow....
17th December 2014
Sorry Everyone!!! The photo session did not go well, since Mom and Dad thought we were doing something to hurt the puppy. Here is Baby Willowin her legwarmers. We will try again later!!

We would have had some great pictures of her playing in her costume but we couldn't wrestle Guinness and Brooke out of the way. They were fascinated with her all dressed up!!!
19th December 2014
Willow already prefers to sleep on the tile floors - she is definitely a Newf!!!

24th December 2104
Can I come out and play please? Baby Willow weighed in at 9lbs, 3 oz yesterday when she went to her first vet appt. for shots!!

25th December 2014
Merry Christmas to all of our friends on True Newfoundland Dog Lovers!!!! We have appreciated all of the thoughts, prayers, advice, and support. It's been a tough year, but filled with blessings in the end. With all our love, Mike and Kelley, Guinness, Brooke, and our littlest blessing, Willow!!

The proud parents, Guinness and Brooke.

28th December 2014
Willow has begun her Reign of Terror. May she get through it quickly without to much injury to our home and bodies!!!!!
2nd January 2015
Willow says, Happy Newf Year to all of my friends who said prayers for me!!! I am so happy to be here with my family!!! May 2015 be filled with health and happiness for Newfies and their families everywhere!!!
7 weeks old now and we still feel blessed everyday that she was allowed to stay with us!!!

16th January 2015
I am really worried that Willow may have something wrong with her vision. She is 9 weeks old now and is growing fantastically- she is bigger than her dad was at this age and is otherwise very healthy, but she runs in circles when she tries to find something, has problems focusing on things, and hides from lights. She also seems to rely on her hearing when you call her more than looking for things and if she goes after an object, usually misses it and is off to the side. The vet said her retinas are attached and everything seems fine, but I just think something is off. Any suggestions? We are taking her back to the vet today for her regular shots/worming/exam.
16th January 2015
This is Willow at the groomers today, she survived her first nail clipping. This should give you an idea of how big she is now. 9 weeks old and 16.9 lbs. Vet appt went great too!!
I'm so proud of all of my babies, but I think i can't help that Willow is my heart.

27th January 2015
So good news and bad. Willow is 11 weeks old today. She weighs 21.2 lbs and the vet thinks it's time to consult an ophthalmologist for her eyes. I'm very sad and fearful of any further bad news, but know that I will love her and protect her forever!!!

We have noticed that she has a sensitivity to light, she runs into thins or in circles a lot and some days are worse than others when she is going after something. She is extremely healthy and happy otherwise,but something just seems not right.
I wish I could pinpoint the problem. Shape of eyes, dryness of whites, it's strange, and I'm certainly not an expert, but you just know when there is something wrong.
I would do anything for her, Guinness or Brooke
5th February 2015
Update on Willow:
I know many of you are waiting to hear what we found out about Willow's eyes. She went to see the specialist today and the diagnosis is as follows:
Amyblyopia (decrease in functional vision in both eyes without any evidence of major organic ocular disease) - therefore suspect reduction in vision likely Central Nervous System based (Brain). In this case it may be a consequence of a lack of oxygen at birth.
Amyblyopia (decrease in functional vision in both eyes without any evidence of major organic ocular disease) - therefore suspect reduction in vision likely Central Nervous System based (Brain). In this case it may be a consequence of a lack of oxygen at birth.
We are sad, but not suprised, and it really doesn't change a thing for us. We can take her to a neurologist to confirm it, get an MRI, spend a ton of money if we choose, but I really don't believe it is going to change the outcome or the future at all. Our other choice is acceptance, which after much deliberation, is what we have chosen. Our puppy cannot see, but we will not love her any less (maybe more) because of it. We will be careful not to move furniture, to guide her down stairs and around unfarmiliar places. We will socialize her and take her places so that she is not fearful of people and other animals. And we will love her forever.
She does not seem to suffer any other deficits from it, or we would consult a neurologist. If that changes in the future, we definitely will, but for now we choose acceptance. She is a happy, healthy puppy and we will love her forever, unconditionally, no matter what!!!
The ONE thing that did bother me from today's visit is this: The doctor said, "he would like to recheck her in 6 months, if we still have her." What an idiot, as if there were any question!!!!
We are very sad. It is not easy to hear this information on your puppy. We knew she had a hard delivery, but we are greatful every day that they were able to save her. We love her so much and will do everything in our ability to ensure that she lives a full, happy life and is never fearful.
There is nothing wrong with her eyes. They are perfect. No evidence of glaucoma, cataract, nothing physically wrong. I think its more to do with her brain not receiving what she sees.
11th February 2015
She gets around great on her own. She just listens a lot. I can tell she's more self assured when her parents are around though.
14th February 2015
Willow went to the vet today for her shots. She turned 3 months old on the 10th, and now weighs 28.1 lbs. I just got used to the idea that she might never see, and now they say she has a grade 4 heart murmur. Waiting to get a call for when her cardiology appt is. Is it selfish of me to just not want to hear bad news for a little while?!!!
24th February 2015
Willow had some fun in the snow this morning. Tomorrow she has her cardiology appt. I'm praying that there is something that can be done to give us more time with her. I'm going to keep a positive attitude and just be there for her. Has anyone been through this procedure with their puppy and what should I expect?
The vet believes she has a grade 4 heart murmur. She is having an echocardiogram tomorrow. I will let everyone know what it reveals.
I think she can see more than they say she can, but they don't live with her and watch her everyday. Other than being fearful of stairs, she is a pretty rambunctious, happy puppy.

25th February 2015
Unfortunately the update on Willow couldn't be any worse. She is in congestive heart failure, but is also at extremely high risk for sudden death. When I say extremely high, that is an understatement. She has severe SAS and her values for pressure at the stenosis are at 160. Sudden death can occur at any rate higher than 110. Where most people might consider surgery, trials of some sort, this would still not be an option for Willow because she also has mitral valve dysplasia and severe aortic insufficiency. I am sorry to share such horrible news and honestly, I am still trying to absorb the science, and have not had time to get past the shock. We will treat the heart congestion for as long as we can and she will be getting Beta blockers to slow her heart and something to slow scarring of the heart. If she doesn't die suddenly we have 6 months to a year. I cannot begin to describe what I am feeling as I am numb.
Thank-you all for your kind words and thoughts. I am trying not to feel sorry for myself, and I am so angry!! It does seem like a horrible injustice, even a nightmare. I will move past the shock. I know there will be good days and some that aren't. But I also know that I will not treat her differently, and she will never know an unhappy day in her life!!
I know I have upset everyone with my news on Willow, but I want to reassure you all that she is not in any type of pain. More than likely she will never experience any pain associated with her heart. We will be able to control the fluid in her lungs and alleviate the congestive heart failure for awhile. If she lives long enough to where we can't, we will have to make the decision to let her go. We would never be so selfish as to let her suffer in pain!!
5th march 2015
Willow may not be able to see perfect but she sure knows when food is around! Love her!! She barks every time I take a bite and her head tilts to the side 😂

18th March 2015

21st March 2015

15th April 2015

19th May 2015
Willow goes camping.

11th June 2015
Willow turns 7 months
They said she would only live 6 months to 1 year, but we are still praying they were wrong. We'll see what her next echocardiogram says on Wednesday!
22nd June 2015
Willow loves to play in her pool!!

23rd June 2015
Happy Summer Solstice to everyone!!! Willow had a great day of trying to keep cool swimming and laying in the grass!!

24th June 2015
Willow had her cardiac appt today, and I have been a weepy mess all morning!!! Her heart is showing improvement and her meds are working- it would seem that sometimes prayers really are answered and my baby may be around longer than they predicted - I am cautiously optimistic, but over the moon with happiness!!! We love our special little Willow so much!!

11th August 2015
Willow is 9 months old today!!! Yeah Willow!!!
16th August 2015

Willow is in heat! Guinness got fixed, but will not leave her side, or eat. Follows her everywhere obsessively. I am going to be bald before this is over- he's driving me crazy!!!!
What's worse is the whining, whimpering, talking and howling if we try to separate him from her. He is PITIFUL!!!
Ridiculous, is that a better word? He is twice her size, and her dad. I know they don't understand incest, but it's freaking me out!!!
My life is hell. The crying, whining, howling if I separate them is worth it to give Willow peace and a feeling of security, but Guinness is driving me insane!!! Hopefully he will have it out of his system by the next time she goes into heat, because I won't (or he won't ) survive another 3 weeks of this. We can't get Willow spayed, they have already said she wouldn't survive the surgery!!!
Can't get undies on Willow so I guess Guinness gets to wear them!!! Poor Guinness!!!

12th September 2015
My babies new name tags came in today. I love the personalized charms since we call them Guinness the Pig, Willow- Willow bee and Brooke is just as gentle as a butterfly.
I got them through Etsy. The company name is The Mad Stampers and they have so many different charms to choose from!! They are also engraved on the back with our phone numbers and say microchipped. I think they cost about 15-19 dollars each. Really reasonable!!

18th September 2015
My Willow, content and napping in the R. V.
I adore her paws!!!

14th October 2015
Willow got her first hair trim today. Her ears feel great. Look mom, no more tangles!!!
She is 11 months. Her 1st birthday is November 10th!!!!
So Proud!!!
She amazes me with her love and beauty every day!!

29th October 2015
She's doing good, she's a very happy, lovable girl and we will be celebrating her 1st birthday on Nov. 10th!!! Yeah!!!
I love every day I get to spend with her more than I ever imagined!!!
5th November 2015
Bad morning! Willow had several coughing/ choking attacks last night, which is what we were warned against as her heart condition deteriorates. Just days from her first birthday and time to check back in with her cardiologist. My heart hurts with hers. I no longer think they beat independently anymore and I am scared!
We are taking Willow in for chest xrays this morning. Unfortunately we missed the cardiology/ SAS specialist by a day, so they are going to do a phone consultation after they review her films. Prayers for Willow please, only 5 days until her 1st birthday!
They are finished with her xrays. They found that her lungs are filled with fluid, they gave her a shot of Lasix and are increasing her dosage to 40mg 3x a day. Willow weighs 77 lbs now.
They emailed the xrays to her cardiologist and we should hear something soon hopefully. We caught the change quickly so we pray that helps!!


Willow was a true miracle and a lesson in unconditional love. She taught me how to love unconditionally in practice, and not in definition. She was the greatest gift I ever received!! If we could all learn to look at the people around us (loved ones, friends, neighbors, and even strangers) and forgive them everything, be able to look past any imperfection they might have, and just LOVE them, the world would be a perfect place. This is what I learned from my beautiful gift from God, my imperfect, yet perfect in her own way, unbelievably loving Newfoundland puppy.
Willow's Mommy
what a beautiful tribute to Willow, we are all sad for her loss.
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