20th April 2013
Bosco 7 1/2 years old.
Oh boy, what a night. We had been out to our local pub for a very jolly evening, but we got home after midnight to find a very uncomfortable, unhappy Bosco. His tummy became very tight and extended and he was clearly distressed. I suspected it might be bloat, and after a quick google, phoned our vet emergency line. They wanted to see him immediately, and were round at our house less than half an hour after phoning.
Luckily, between me phoning the vet, and her arrival, Bosco did THE most enormous burp, and then produced a huge pile of vomit on the carpet. That resulted in his enormous tight-as-a-drum tummy shrinking back to its usual shape instantly, so the vet didn't have to carry out a surgical procedure on him, thank heavens. She said that we had done absolutely the right thing by calling her out though, as bloat is often fatal.
He didn't sleep at all last night (therefore neither did I). He was restless and still uncomfortable.
He's looking a lot brighter this morning though, and has been to the vet for a check, she was happy with his progress. But she did say that it could have been a very different outcome, and that we could have lost him last night. That thought just sends me cold.
Excuse me while I go and give him another cuddle.
21st April 2013
Thanks chaps! It is such a relief that he's ok. He's snoring away in his spot by the back door now. (I wish I was too, I'm wrecked this morning!) We're going back to see the vet on Monday, I think she wants to discuss tacking his stomach, we none of us want to go through last night's carry on again. (Does anyone know the UK equivalent of Gas X?)
EmilyAnn Emma Woody Krulc commented
Great outcome for Bosco. A few years back, I went thru this with my Saint Sawyer and luckily got him to vet fast enough for surgery. Vet did tack stomach to chest wall, but did advise me that's not a GUARANTEE that bloat/torsion won't happen but a 99%. So far so good but I still watch for gulping water or food and exercise before and after eating - as we all know, no one knows what causes bloat.
21st April 2013
It seems we have been doing everything wrong, according to the vet we should NOT be elevating their bowls now. It encourages them to eat faster, which can cause them to gulp in more air. So water and food bowls firmly on the floor now. Dried food also can cause bloat, so we're going to change him onto a tinned food, easily digestible and without cereals, (which can ferment and cause a gas build up). He was having a small breakfast, then a larger evening meal, from now on we are to give him 4 small meals a day. Ooh, my daughter has just shouted to us "Bosco just farted!" and we all cheered! Never have we been so pleased to see him burping and farting! Hahah!
21st April 2013
I'm more than happy to report that this morning Bosco seems to be fully back to his usual happy self. He was still a little subdued yesterday, but he has his waggy tail and smiley face back today. Bodily functions are all as they should be too! Relieved isn't a big enough word for how we are all feeling!
23rd April
Well we went and saw our lovely vet yesterday. He was pleased with how Bosco's doing. His food is going in one end, and out the other as it should! He has no signs of tenderness in his tummy, and he's back to his chirpy little self again, which is all good. But... and it's a big but... he does want him to have surgery to have his stomach tacked to prevent it happening again. He said that as this has happened once, there is now an increased risk that it will happen again. Especially as we don't really know what triggered it in the first place. I'm feeling a bit sad for Bosco, because I don't want him to have a big surgery now. He's not a young whipper-snapper any more, heading towards 8 years old. But even more, I don't want to lose him over something that is so preventable. So he's booked in to have his op on the 2nd May, poor baby.
3rd May 2013
Well the surgery went well, and we got Bosco home again last night. He's still feeling grot though and won't eat anything. But he has wee'd and pooped and he's been having little drinks of water, so I'm not overly worried. I'll try and tempt him with some chicken or a sausage later. Poor love, I hate seeing him so sad.
4th May 2013
He's been turning his nose up at all sorts of lovely stuff, ham, scrambled eggs, dog food (obviously), so I've just been down to the supermarket and bought him one of their freshly cooked chickens, which he has just had about half of, yay! So we can add eating to the list of things he's doing now too. Big phew! He's looking a lot chirpier this afternoon too, and gave me a slight wag of the tail, so things are definitely on the up.
9th May 2013
He's doing very well, thank you . He's pretty much back to his chirpy little self, the only thing that's not back to normal is his appetite which is just non-existant. It's a bit of a constant battle to get him to eat anything. Even his beloved roast chicken and roast turkey don't interest him. I was giving him rice pudding last night, but he wouldn't take it for himself, so I was having to spoon feed him like a baby! But I suppose surgery on your stomach is bound to make you feel like you don't want to eat. And at least he is eating, it just takes a lot of time and persuasion from us!
10th May 2013
Big progress this morning... he's just had a whole tin of dog food! Yay! (I still had to spoon feed him though!) But Yay! Dog food! Clever boy.
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