The following is my initial chat with Nancy about doing this segment and its purpose:
Julie Asks:
Hi Nancy,
I was thinking of setting up something to share experiences of surgeries and pre /post op procedures. Mainly to help anyone else who has to go thru the same traumas. From when you first thought there was a problem with Dougan and updates thru his recovery as they happen, would you be interested in me doing this with you of course? I won't be upset if you say no thanks. And maybe members could give you support and help throughout. Vets tell you medically, but it's us carers who deal with all that happens.
Nancy Replies:
It's a wonderful idea! I would be more than happy to do this with you. You are right, it's frightening, you have second and third doubts with you and with your vet. If we could help other members get through this, it would be a wonderful thing to do... let alone, it will help us vent our own fears.
Nancy Adds:
Hi Julie, One thing I would like others in the group to know is to not to second guess their decision. I have done that, and PLEASE DO NOT THINK I'm putting anyone down, but the many cautions of some well meaning people kept going through my head. I had to make peace with my decision and I believe I found a best doctor in the area. If you would relay this message to others going through this, that would be good.
Julie :
Will do Nancy, George is setting something up for me soon, so I will keep you up to date. If at anytime you want to stop, or don't like something posted, let me know, I will respect your decision. I have been thru a lot myself and I know sometimes it is hard. But to help others deal with similar issues, I think would be fantastic. I will be asking others who need surgery to do the same type of thing, So hopefully we can all learn about the diseases and ailments from an owners perspective. Thanks again, Thinking of you and Dougan. XX
If you think it would help, would you also add that people need to trust their own gut feelings. If I waited for Dougan's surgery or called it off completely, he would have both shoulders in lots of pain, and getting this procedure done when they are young is safer, since they aren't a huge dog going under, and they will heal with a lifetime of no pain. I'm saying this because up until my hubby and I dropped him off I was having second thoughts and wanted to call it off. It's a good thing for Dougan that I didn't.
Dougan was born 9th September 2012.
At 5 Months of age Nancy noticed a slight limp, at first she thought he had laid on his leg wrong, or growing pains. It continue and learning how our newf puppies must be so careful for the first year, She watched him very carefully, On some days his limp seemed to disappear, other days he was worse. It made no sense at all to her, after 6 weeks she called the vet. The Vet examined him completely, he didn't flinch, cry out, in fact he seemed to enjoy it! The Vet told us to watch him for the next couple of weeks, giving Nancy deramaxx for Dougans pain. She decided NOT to give it to him after the first time, he jumped and ran like never before. That was a red flag for her, she didn't wait the weeks before having the x-ray, which members now know of the results. If Nancy didn't learn that the first year of his life, he is to be treated like he's made of glass, she doesn't think that she would have gotten him checked out. That makes her wonder how many dogs go with this disease with the owners not knowing.
Nancy states" in a nutshell, if there's a limp that just won't go away, don't waste time, GET AN X-RAY!"
Dougan and Nancy waiting to the see the specialist... if's official, he has OCD, so he's having his procedure next Tues, the 16th April 2013.

Tuesday 16th April 2013
Dougan is out of surgery, the doctor x-rayed the other shoulder to make sure, and it's a good thing. Both shoulders were effected with OCD, but the doctor is very pleased with the results, not only will Dougan make a complete recovery, he will have a long and healthy life.
Nancy could hear the care in the doctors voice. He wants Dougan to stay over night and into the afternoon. He wants to make sure he is returned to her in as good shape as possible.
Wednesday 17th April 2013
Dougan is home! That's the good news, the bad news, he is NOT a happy camper, he wasted no time in flipping his food bowl. He did hide his new bone, ignored his new toys and let Nancy know that he wants out of the prison. what they call his crate.

Friday 19th April 2013
Dougan is trying to be a good boy, Nancy had to call the hospital this afternoon to ask them their definition of "calm and quiet". This doctor got on the phone right away, she was glad to hear him laugh when he heard what Dougan was trying to do. He's happy to hear Dougan wants to play and run, he's glad to hear Dougan's appetite is back to normal so quickly, but Nancy is not to allow him to try to get on the sofa with her nor is he to try and play with Pollyanna. She now has a complete list of Do's and Don'ts. They are very lucky to have such a fine animal hospital so close.

Nancy is relieved to see him so quickly be a handful! LOL.. that one night with him in the hospital was too quiet for them!
Sunday 21st April 2013
I asked Nancy how Dougan was feeling and her reply:
He is full of trouble and fun! He wants to run, skip, hop, jump and fly! Keeping him "calm and quiet" is near impossible.He slams into the sides of his crate, he barks, cries, bark, did I mention he barks?I'm afraid he's going to hurt himself, so I let him walk in the kitchen, the doctor said it was ok, but the silly boy tries to take off and play. So, thank you for asking, Dougan is doing great!
Monday 22nd April 2013
Dougan is doing so well after a short period of time. He does look like "poodle boy" but thats ok, we like all breeds. I can't wait for the staples to come out so we can take off that collar.

23rd April 2013.
Poor Dougan, he's so bored! Both the vet and I laughed out loud when he told me to keep him "calm and quiet"...
29th April 2013.
Dougan had his staples removed yesterday. I was asked how we are doing keeping him "calm and quiet"... I told the doctor about him flying off the porch, over the rabbit fence, how he wants to play and be a 7 1/2 month old puppy. I am to keep him "calm and quiet" for another 4-6 weeks, but this time with the help of Acepromazine. I don't love the idea of drugging him, but I like the idea of him having pain and trouble throughout his life even less.
Dougans red eye after his first pill.
1st May 2013

16th May 2013
Dougan was on the floor, moaning and soft woofs... I run to his side, feeling his tummy, rubbing his sides, OK... he seems ok... he does it several times... I rush to the files to look up bloat. I am ready to call an ambulance for him, ok, they don't take dogs... get a grip. He continues, I rush to his side to comfort him... the last time I notice him looking out of one eye to see if I'm on my way over. LOL... He got my number, Mom's a drama queen and I'm gonna get all the attention I can! I am so glad he's calm and quiet and not causing trouble! LOL... I love this nutty boy!

21st May 2013
DOUGAN saw the vet this afternoon, he can again he a normal puppy. He has two weeks more of slowly building up his activity, but no more on the leash while outside, he can walk and swim and no more medicine... woohooo!
1 comment:
God bless you all for sharing this with us. By allowing us into your world, you have given us a face to OCD-you've given it life, and all that surrounds it.
For this, I am grateful.
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