February 21st 2015
⚓️️️️Anchor the stuffed animal thief

Nancy Hazard been following anchor from the beginning just want to hug him
Barbara A Mercer I agree with Nancy, I have been following this handsome boy since the beginning and I always want to see him, and definitely would love to give him nose kisses and hugs, ALWAYS, I love you Anchor

⚓️️️️Anchor showing off his green light...Mommy puts the light on at night time during poopie time.

I love it! I can see everywhere he goes!

Susy Borman-Smith We Googled Newfoundland puppies and a breeder in Michigan popped up! She decided it was ok to drop him off at my house when he was 6 weeks old....he's a handful but very u cute
4th March 2015

⚓️️️️Anchor and his baby....

Beth Viney These photos are stunning. He has the most beautiful and soulful eyes.

Steve Myers Is this Anchor? Been following hi from a pup, he sure it turning into a beautiful dog.
Susy Borman-Smith Yes! ️️️️Anchor will be 9 months old in 2 weeks! He is a joy!
Martha Jones How's his temper doing?
Susy Borman-Smith Thanks everyone. He still mouths...his temper is pretty good. He plays constantly with my 5 year old son...so cute....but he does try to bite me meanly if I go to grab his collar to pull him away from something and sometimes to click his leash on his collar...he growls meanly and snaps at us. That is the only issue. He has more respect for my husband.
Frederick Zada Patience... you're doing hard work and it will come...
Robert Fries Sooner or later he'll learn that you're the alpha.
Susy Borman-Smith He still challenges us...but he's learning! Little stinker...

Susy Borman-Smith I can totally take anything out of his mouth and he gladly lets me take it! So that's good
Susy Borman-Smith Hi! This is Anchors mom!! He will be 10 months old soon. He was a stinker at the young age of 6 weeks....growling and snapping at us. He has taken a couple of classes....but he is still challenging. He has gotten better (slightly). He still snaps as us with a possessed look on his face if we try to pull him physically from something he's trying to get into....and sometimes he lunges at me to bite....but Iv learned to keep a long leash on him a lot so I can step on it and pull him where I want him to go. I also am armed with dog cookies in my pockets because I already assume that he will give me trouble and I use positive reinforcement to call him out of situations....(so he sits, so he comes, so he doesn't run away) so far it's working. He is super awesome with my 5 year old son though. They play play play. Sometimes he will play bite my son a little too hard and it hurts but my son whacks him one good and the dog knows he did something wrong. I think these dogs are overbred which messes with the chemicals in their brains and makes them sort of bi-polar. No joke. I love my dog and I pray that he will age into a sweet calm Newfie. As long as he has a toy or a sock/shoe in his mouth to hold onto and swing around...he seems good. Lol

29th March 2015
⚓ Anchors getting big!!

Nancy Bugel Did this big dog eat that cute little fellow that used to lay in the bottom of the freezer?
Carri Rauch Oh MY! I remember when he used to get into the refrigerator. Holy crap!
Susy Borman-Smith Thanks everyone! He looks exactly like a bear He is a mix with grey, white and a taupe color. He's a nut!!!
Paul Jos Kotlowski Time to remove all the refrigerator shelves!
8th April 2015

⚓ We went away for a week during Spring Break and ️️Anchor came back from the doggie daycare A BEAST. He looks huge!

Susy Borman-Smith He missed us but the owner said she had to separate him from the other dogs because he tries to be so dominant! The girls there couldn't even bathe him when he had mud all over him...he tried to bite them!! She has been a dog trainer for many years and said she couldn't even give him any training! She suggested I have him neutered ASAP and to send him to a strong personal trainer! I knew he had some issues...but it makes me sad to know he couldn't get along with all of the other dogs there This place was on a farm where the dogs got to play outside all day!
Susy Borman-Smith Yes she said there is hope! She said he's still young and being neutered will make a big difference! Who knows...maybe the other dogs were bullying him and he wouldn't take their shit! But...I knew he does have a little attitude.
Susy Borman-Smith I know he's a good dog by the way he plays with my 5 year old son...I can see he has a big heart!
Susy Borman-Smith She also said he is very smart! Which I knew also!
Beverly Seggie Frankhouser Question: Susy, do I remember you getting Anchor early for some reason, if that's the case, would being separated to soon from Mom have anything to do with the attitude?
Susy Borman-Smith Beverly Seggie Frankhouser that has a lot to do with it! the funny thing is...at 6 weeks he had an attitude! im not sure if its a mental thing or what!?!? i have had 2 English Mastiffs and a Saint Bernard and they never gave me any kind of attitudes!! Maybe it because his mom was over bred?
Susy Borman-Smith Not to sound terrible but he respects my husband totally because my husband has whacked him a couple of times which did show him whose boss. He had to. But ️️Anchor will challenge me if I try to grab his collar if I'm trying to pull him out of a bush or something.
LOL...They had his bag ready and out on the curb waiting for me. i dont think hes invited back! LOL
Mary Jane Lingel-Seese Anchor, you are such a handsome boy! Susy, I've so loved following his life and antics! I'm glad to see that I'm not the only mom that's having alpha issues 😕 I'm a softie and boy does my Bentley know it... His school says he does everything great till I take the lead. I'm trying to be tougher on him but his trainer says that I need training, not Bentley What a dilemma!
⚓ ️️Anchor was a VERY good boy during his shower! He stood still in there with me for a 1/2 an hour! What a good boy! He loves his Mom! Now he wants to suckle on his bear

Susy Borman-Smith That's when he came home from being at dog care for a week! LOL...He looks traumatized !!! Lol
18th April 2015
I have a serious problem...️️Anchor ran to my neighbors house and started to attack their chickens. He pinned one down! Who knows what he was going to do next...the owner grabbed him and ️️Anchor BIT the ladies hand!!! Like meanly!!!! I know he has temperment issues but I didn't think he would actually bite someone like that. She says she's ok but OMG. He has a appointment for his neutering ...hopefully it will decrease his dominance issues!!!
Kaitlin Freerks Just FYI, MD has laws against "at large" dogs, please make sure Anchor is secure and in your control at all times. There is a great positive trainer near me in Annapolis who works wonders with "problem" dogs, her name is Kim Greco, I'd recommend contacting her and seeing if she can help or recommend you a good trainer up where you are. She can be reached at kim@pawsandpossibilities.com. Also Donna McConn, the CNC rescue chair, might also know of a good trainer, you can email her atcolonialnewfsrescue.com. Good for you recognizing the seriousness of the situation, best of luck to you and Anchor.
Susy Borman-Smith Thanks everyone! It's nice to hear all of your info and thoughts...we are calling this trainer that trains German Shepards! He is very strong willed..(10 months old)...Iv never had a dog with this "assholeness" (sorry to curse). He is very, very, very smart. He definitely needs a strong trainer. God help us.
Susy Borman-Smith Thank you so much Kaitlin Freerks!!!!! Your info is going to help me!
Susy Borman-Smith Thanks guys ️️Anchor is 10 months old...he's had a aggressive attitude since 6 weeks (bad breeder dropped him off). He's very good with my kid, that's why he's still here. My husband is willing to have him trained ASAP but he has no problem giving him away. I don't think my neighbor was bleeding a lot...but he did break her skin. This all happened when my husband had him sitting in the driveway and ️️Anchor just bolted away.
Susy Borman-Smith He bites Celeste Moulton and lunges when on a walk. If we grab his collar to move him from somewhere he bites us! I'm really afraid he could bite a kid. We have little kids here a lot. Sometimes he sits in our garage with us. Sunday he did this and bolted away and bit my neighbor when she tried to pull him away from her chicken which he was trying to kill!
.I don't think he's dangerous...I wouldn't allow him around my kid if I believed so. I just purchased a shock collar so I'm going to see how this goes.
Susy Borman-Smith ️️Anchor tries to bite us if we grab is collar...he's sweet otherwise...he ran off of our driveway to our neighbors house and pinned down their chicken. When the neighbor tried to "grab his collar" he turned his head and bit her hand. He does have an issue with his collar being taken a hold of ....maybe a muzzle when he's outside but I don't think he's dangerous. Otherwise he's playful and pretty sweet.
⚓ I just bought a gentle leader leash for ️️Anchor. Hopefully this will aid me in showing him who's boss around here. He will go where I want him to go.
Susy Borman-Smith Thanks. I approached ️️Anchor with it and he was scared and kept running away
Susy Borman-Smith This is going to take a while..

25th April 2015
⚓️ Naughty ️️Anchor will be going to a week long, overnight boot camp next week to help train him. The owner of the facility is well known for training German Shepards. Little stinker.

Donna Koons-Proctor Oh oh off to Juvie Anchor boy!!
Susy Borman-Smith Hahahaha. I may take everyone up on the packing his bags offer...LOL.. He is going to Juvie Donna Koons-Proctor!! Hahaha. He is going to a trainer who has a business called Teclas Canine Academy...she does behavior modification....and other training sessions. I'm sure we will be taught stuff too. I just want ️️Anchor to be the best he can be. He tries to put US in OUR place a lot. I don't want him doing that to a stranger either.
Susy Borman-Smith Thanks ladies...I will be careful. ️️Anchor seriously has a bad temperment problem which needs a strong trainer. I mean to the point where I'm afraid he can really hurt someone. This needs to be done. But I WILL be very careful!!
Susy Borman-Smith We sent him to a doggie/boarding day care center for a week when we went away...the owner said she had to separate him from the rest of the dogs because he would puff out his chest and he would show aggression to them. He was unable to work with the day to day staff because he would bite them aggressively as they tried to wash off the mud from his fur. ️️Anchor has some issues. He came back and sucked his stuffed animals for hours (his comfort)...
Susy Borman-Smith Not normal puppy biting...like Cujo biting
Susy Borman-Smith Yes he came from one which we found on the Internet. She ended up dropping him off at my house at 6 weeks old. He was aggressive at 6 weeks too. Really strange
Pam Lyons Susy, he was way to young when he was dropped off at your house. He should have been with his mother and siblings. Do you know anyone with any older Newfs? He would probably benefit from spending some serious amount of time with older Newfs who would teach him Newf manners. You are going to have to be really, really careful not to let anyone do any harsh training with him. Newfs don't do well with that and they could ruin him. Reach out to some of your local Newfoundland Groups and see if someone would mentor him. Sorry the little guy had a tough beginning. That helps explain why he is extra mouthy and aggressive at such a young age........ Wonder what the breeding conditions were and how healthy the Mom was..... Lots of unknowns. Hopefully, if you reach out to some of your local Newfie groups you will be able to find some support and help in getting him back on the right track!
Mary Jo Dowell How old is Anchor? Our Maisie was a horrible puppy to me. She chewed on me all the time and would lunge at me when she was outside and I was trying to get her in-jumping, growling, and biting. She rarely did it to my husband, only to me. We battled daily and made me regret getting her. I had to be (still do) tough and not let her get the best of me. Discipline, special collar, and reinforce training. she is 2 years old now and I am amazed we survived to this point, but she is certainly a different dog now. She still has periods of mouthiness, but nothing like before. I wish I had known someone with older Newfs, because I don't think she spent much time with mother before she came to live with us. She has gone to doggie day care for 1 1/2 years now and this has been our saving grace. You might want to check into this. A tired puppy is a much better puppy.
Susy Borman-Smith I love reading everyone's thoughts and opinions....please know that I'm not just having him trained at a boot camp to learn every day commands. ️️Anchor has some serious aggression issues...Iv had 3 big breed dogs (2 English Mastiffs and a Saint Bernard)...they mouthed me...knocked me around...and bit me pretty hard when they were young. Anchors biting is different. Even though he is young...it's a viscous type of bite. And he actually keeps coming at you to really hurt you when he's mad. It's no joke.
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