Photos of ️️Anchor ⚓ On his trainers ( week long Bootcamp ) FB page!! He's lookin good! We will have weekly training sessions when he returns too! Good boy, ️️Anchor! Teclas K-9 Academy
Susy Borman-Smith They are socializing him....teaching him some commands...and hopefully helping me to teach him to stop biting us when we grab his collar or if we remove him from something he wants to do. His biting was out of control..

Susy Borman-Smith The trainers say he's doing well
Susy Borman-Smith This is the note she sent me....
Hi Susy,
Anchor is doing well. Good in play groups. Nicely responding to low level remote collar work and learning a "place" command. We have been working on taking leash/collar on and off. He is excellent with male staff - he is mildly testy with female staff but does end up yielding.
Have you ordered the remote collar? Educator 300 is what you want. I will have a plan on Monday for you so you know how to move forward with him.
Take care -
Tecla Walton, CPDT-KA, Pack to Basics Certified
Tecla's K-9 Academy
5th May 2015
⚓ ️️️️Anchor is back from the detention center. He learned "place" which means stay in place & to walk with me. It's a start. We have lots of homework!! The trainers said he did well smile emoticon so the first thing I have to do is tell him to go to his place...then I hand feed him for a couple of weeks!

Oh and ️️Anchor has gone back to his old habit of trying to sit in the fridge! Lol

21st May 2015
⚓'s Anchor! Neutered and in training!

Susy Borman-Smith Thanks everyone! He has been pretty good since his ear infections cleared up! He still acts out but he is a lot to see if the neutering helps too
7th June 2015

Stacey Butler I think Anchor should start his own fan club. I think he's pretty special and I think he has many fans who have been waiting to hear how he's been doing haha
I've been thinking about you too Suzy! Lol
Susy Borman-Smith Hi Thank u everyone for the compliments and for wondering about ️️Anchor He is a angel and a devil mixed into one. Since he can't fit into the fridge or sit on the dishwasher door anymore...he's been acting out by laying in the bathtubs and sucking on the soap bars .....He begins doggie daycare 2 times a week (9am-3pm) for socialization and some behavioral training He was neutered and is doing well...I'm still waiting for that one to make a difference ....I just bought a soft muzzle for him to wear in public (just in case) and a leash with a smaller handle near his neck to pull him back (just in case)
Susy Borman-Smith Oh and he had 2 ear infections which cleared up and he doesn't try to rip our hand up anymore when his collar is grabbed....he only nips sometimes....which is better
Susy Borman-Smith Thank u guys for listening! LOL...this boy is driving me to drink! Jolie Williams I tried the leader but his growling and nipping made it difficult. He concentrated on taking it off of his face instead of walking with me. waste of money
Kenneth Blackburn sounds like you are a very loving mom to your boy, you have been very proactive in getting him the education he needs to try to prevent a problem before it becomes one. Im so glad you care so much about Anchor, he is magnificent!

⚓ and his Apple

16th August 2015
For everyone that has been fallowing Anchors progress I wanted to let everyone know that Susy and her family came to a very hard decision. So two weeks now we drove to Susy house and she graciously gave isAnchor to raise. I don't post all the timtime because I don't have a lot of experience with facebook. I can't thank hr enough for in trusting us to finish raising him. Since I have had three Newfies and went through a lot of the same things she has experienced and have 2 great partners in crime he is learning very fast how a newfie is supposed to act. Will continue to post more pictures in time.

Beverly Ruble Chaffin Great to hear about him again... I know it was hard for Susy... She tried really hard - and he was always SO cute . Cute only lasts so long, tho, with a 100+ pound dog
Andrea Petro Chernek Thank you so much for the update on Susy Borman-Smith and Anchor. I was just thinking about the yesterday and meant to message her and did not get a chance. I'm now glad I did not. Don't want to upset her. Thank you for taking him into your family and allowing us to continue to watch him grow up.
Sharon McKernan Martin We love anchor ... I hope he does well in his new home...Manny Moreno hope all your days are filled with good times! Susy Borman-Smith hugs to you and your did the right thing for yourself and family
Bobbette Nacco Please keep posting about anchor. I have followed him since he was a little man. Hope he fits in your family and is happy.
Debbie Tiefenbacher Thank you for this update. I hope all works out. I've been wondering about Anchor and have followed him since he was a little guy, too.
Manny Moreno I to have fallowed Anchor and was very honored to susy and her family for thinking enough of us to in trust me with his care. He is such a smart boy and is showing progress already thanks to my other babies!
Jill Stratton Clark I have always loved him, bless you Susy for loving him enough to let him go.
Susy Borman-Smith Love and miss u Anchor! You are with the best family ever now! I'm so happy your having fun and that you are safe. Thank you for helping me Manny Moreno....
Julie Mabire I am so pleased that Anchor gets a second chance. Susy Borman-Smith we all know how very hard you tried with Anchor. He has always had much love from you. I hope you still get to watch him grow up into a beautiful boy. Manny Moreno I hope you will continue to honour us with Anchor's progress and his new life. We all felt for Susy and to make that decision , could not have been easy. As heart breaking as it was, I applaud you Susy for realizing he needed another direction. I still remember when you first got him.
Natalie A M-Shepherd I was wondering why I hadn't seen any Anchor stories in a while. Didn't know something was wrong. So sorry to hear. Whatever the circumstances were it seems Miss Susy made the right decision, no matter how difficult, and I applaud you and your family. As I also give praise and thanks to Manny and family for choosing to adopt Anchor and continue raising him. Best wishes to you all. Please do keep us all posted. Anchor deserves only the best, as do every Newf in the world! Blessings.
Pamela Ranheim Thank you so much for the update on Anchor. We all shared with his growing up with the wonderful pictures and video's. I know how hard a decision it was for her and so glad she has found such a wonderful home for him where he can continue to grow and become the wonder Newf he is...
Susy Borman-Smith Thanks for the support everyone!!!
Susy Borman-Smith Anchor is alive!! He was brought to me at 6 weeks old...never taught bite inhibition or normal dog manners by his mom and litter mates. He also had temperment issues. After a year of training, boot camps etc. he showed little improvement. He was a risk being around my 5 year old son (growling)...he needed a home with other dogs (to show him the ropes...) and he needed a place with no kids! He is a super cool/cute guy but I was having a hard time with him and I found the perfect place for him to thrive 😀
Stacey Kuipers Susy Borman-Smith I am sending you extra hugs and love and prayers because I cannot even imagine how hard this journey has been for your. I have admired your positivity from day one, even with some harsh criticism you responded with a smile 😀 keeping everyone's best interest in mind the entire time. It was a lot of work and heartache for you over the last year, but you never gave up on Anchor! Even now, by giving him a new home - surely the hardest step you had to take. Hoping that his two new siblings can knock the chip off of his shoulder... and that they (and you and your family and Manny and everybody) can live happily ever after. xoxo
Debbie LeBlond Aww I feel so bad for the family they had to give her up. I remember what an adorable puppy she was and I've seen the problems she has been having. He is an extraordinarily beautiful Newfie. I'm glad he is adjusting well. Thank god for people like you!
Susy Borman-Smith Yes he is now a part of a pack with Manny Moreno and his 2 Newfies ...he had a little bit of aggression (which was too risky being with my young son)....He is doing great and has a Newfie brother and able to run around, swim and thrive ....he needed people to devote their time to him and I found him the perfect place.
Charmaine-Ron Campbell Susy Borman-Smith this must have been so difficult and heartbreaking for you and your family, you have my admiration, Anchor has a wonderful new home, we can still watch him as he grows with his new siblings, I wish you the very best and thank you for bringing Anchor into our lives, take care xx

Manny Moreno Thanks mom Lexy finally excepted him and he is so happy playing with them and having cuddle buddies!
Charmaine-Ron Campbell It's nice to see him settling in, it's a learning curve for all, hope his siblings are settled also, thanks for sharing x

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