Glynna Nosek That little turd!! He does have such a sweet face

Meredith Brown Steenerson Anchor has stolen my heart! Keep the pics coming.
Ellen Tobey Damron We love anchor updates
29th October 2014
⚓️ Anchor 43 pounds! 3 1/2 months

Kelley Hovenstine Anchor always makes my day! If I'm feeling crappy, I just get on FB & see what antics Anchor's doing. It immediately cheers me up. So thanks Susy for sharing your wonderful guy with us! ¤ ♡
Kathy Godfrey He is so handsome. My husband an I f had been talking about a puppy and after seeing and following Anchor I decided to get him one for his birthday. We have a 3 year old black female and are getting a brown and white male on Saturday. We are so excited.
Jenny Hare I LOVE LOVE LOVE Anchor!!!! So fun watching him grow! He has gotten so big!
1st November 2014
Susy Borman-Smith
⚓.....Quick question. I know it doesn't seem possible....but Anchor still has a little aggressive biting issue. If we tell him "No bite" after her kind of lunges at us (usually be does this during play/mouthing and if he gets too rough doing this we say no bite).....and he growls...lunges ....then bites. HARD to a point of deep cut on hands:fingers. I try to do positive reinforcement often but he still gets a little crazy. I know he's a puppy but there is a little temperament aggression there. We are just worried that once he's bigger he may snap/ lunge bite at our 4 year old son. My husband said if that happens...Anchor is gone! Aaaahhhhhhhhhh! How do I stop him from this behavior????
Susy Borman-Smith I have 3 references. Calling on Monday. I love him and he is a cutie and so much fun but he has a mean side too. He's kinda young to have one that's the confusing part. How can a baby be nasty?
Anchor bites and rips the backs of our shirts and he bites our shoes while we are walking and actually holds on as we keep walking and he's dragged along the floor. I guess it's all puppyhood...but...Iv never had a puppy that has a nasty side.
We had 2 English Mastiffs and they never did this stuff. They mouthed and did so a little to hard but they didn't disrespect! Lol....but I love Anchors personality and I can see he's really smart. He understands my language and responds to sit...here...down..where is your ball?....do you want a treat?....go bye bye?....and eat?
I'm calling a trainer on Monday! I have lots of ideas now. I wonder if Anchor was sort of the Alpha dog in his litter...and that's why the breeder dropped him off if here at 6 weeks!?!??
2nd November 2014
Anchor is with me almost every second...unless I'm running errands or upstairs sleeping ( he's blocked off of this area) He has a huge crate where I place him when we do leave. I have a 4 year old who does run around (so the puppy chases him which is no help for sure) I don't walk Anchor on a leash which I'm starting to think is hurting me. We live on a couple acres of land in the woods...so when we go outside, he comes with and runs around playing and walking where we walk. I use the commands always (he does not know "drop it" or "stay" ) Puppy kindergarten went well and now I'm calling a in home trainer to help us the rest of the way......The times when he's been in the fridge happend so quickly ....so because of the hilarity, I took a picture. After a few seconds he was sent away.....So...I need to school my son about behavior/commands with Anchor...direct Anchor on a leash instead of letting him run free...When he does snap bite at us (like if I try to remove him from a certain situation) I feel it's attributed to leaving the litter early because he's never had anyone bite him in response to "his" biting. But the main thing is the discipline....where I need to be more strict with. I know he can understand and learn new commands because he learned "paw" yesterday!!!!

13th November 2014
.I just got the new IPhone 6 and it won't let me take any photos or videos ...I first have to figure out how to unload my old stuff. Very confused over here! Lol. Anchor will be back! He's doing really well! His potty training is really looking good and he's being less aggressive...so that's good

he knows sit, here and down My mom taught him paw In about 20 min! Next will be our in home trainer to fine tune him.
Meredith Brown Steenerson I don't know how you do it, but your Anchor posts almost always wind up being the first thing in my news feed every morning. Sure does start the day off with a smile!! Love seeing this sweet baby while I'm getting ready to start my day
Susy Borman-Smith He's getting bigger...51 pounds 4 months old training is going well..a visit by a professional on the way

20th November 2014
Kate Motruk McCarthy Omg!! He's so big!!! I have to tell you that my dad passed last week. I'm his final weeks, I would show him your pictures and videos everyday. He loves Newfs and we loved watching your videos. It was our special thing and I want to thank you!!

⚓ ️Anchor NO you can't do this anymore!!!!!!

Ellen Meranze I swear this dog makes my day and it has been a rough one but just laughed out loud. Thank you for sharing

Deborah Strong Anchor is such a trip. Makes me want to get another puppy until I think of all the work. Three big dogs is enough for me
Barbara A Mercer I SO LOVE THIS BOY
Charmaine-Ron Campbell That was very interesting to watch from a behavioural point of view, at the beginning he was dominating or trying to, because it appeared he wanted something he wasn't getting, then once up on the counter his behaviour changed when he was challenged, you can see him obeying the anchor no, and he sat as soon as he was instructed, loved watching this and I think you have the measure of him, but I do suspect he has an extremely strong will, and as he grows so your dominance will have to keep up, he's going to be big and strong in every sense, thank you for sharing this, he's one on his own just lovely
30th November 2014
⚓️️️️️Anchor loves his brother Winter

2nd December 2014

⚓....still suckeling on his babies

Bobbette Nacco He has gotten so big. I have loved watching him grow. Anchor always puts a smile on my face thanks so much for sharing him with us.

5th December 2014

Beth Viney Anchor is nothing short of Amazing. What a beautiful Newf. Love watching him grow!
19th December 2014
⚓ ️️️️Anchor now needs a couch to keep him blocked from the living room! Baby gates are child's play!

Pamela Ann Lopez Oh Anchor I have been waiting for you show up again! Too sweet he is gertting so big! Cutest face ever! Merry first christmas i hope Santa brings you lots of goodies!

⚓They keep each other company....️️Anchor & Winter

Mary Jane Lingel-Seese I'm so enjoying watching your Anchor grow! What a handsome guy his buddy Winter even matches him lol Thank you for sharing Anchor's puppyhood with us

⚓ ️️️️Anchor is sleepy weepy..

29th December 2014

30th December 2014
⚓ ️️Anchor found a apple in the woods (one I threw into the woods for the deer) and he's enjoying it within his little hole in the dirt that he made. Every time I let him out...he sits in his outdoor bed for a little while
smile emoticon Silly boy!!!!
14th January 2015
⚓ Anchors 6 months old now

Meg Cahill Anchor has stolen our hearts and attention.
Susy Borman-Smith Thanks everyone!! He is a hoot! He is still learning a lot....drop it, no bite and stay is still a challenge! He's eased up on the biting and mouthing:) He is pretty much potty trained (some accidents) and he has fallen in love with my sons Grover puppet!! Lol!!!
Charmaine-Ron Campbell Goodness me Anchor, never fit in the bottom of the fridge now............got your own outside model haven't you, missed you being around handsome boy x
17th February 2015

Michael Fitzpatrick Anchor is a rock star
⚓️ Anchors fluffy head

19th February 2015
⚓️ ️️️️Anchor hanging on to his Grover

Anna Stull Anchor , you are just so sweet. Hugs , kisses, and slobbers to you. Susy , thanks for sharing, When I see all these wonderful picture's , I feel so relaxed and happy! Love all of them

⚓ Keeping warm

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