been brave enough to share with us !!

I am the only one that gets very nervous when their newfie is behaving? Dougan has been a very good boy for 1 1/2 days. I'm scared, very scared! LOL
Dougan and I are about to begin our third obedience class... We have yet to complete one class, my Dammit Dougan keeps getting us kicked out of class. This last time was because he scared ALL the dogs in the class!
It seems to be a Dammit Dougan day. "Dougan, get out of the garden, Dougan, stop trying to play with the rabbit, Dougan, get off the gate, Dougan, get off your sister, Dougan STOP CHEWING ON THE TABLE LEG. DAMMIT DOUGAN, how did you open that door?
He has a taste for antique table legs. I put him outside, he's back inside... how did he do that?!
Frank took his pet rock outside, I don't think Dougan can find it, so it's pay-back time. Couldn't he wait till Daddy gets home and take it out on him??
Not only does he open the gate that is supposed to keep him in the kitchen, but now the door to the back yard. Frank better go get that damn pet rock in, I don't want Dougan angry with me... LOL
Be careful! Dougan got on my laptop and we got the "winning" bid on a picture!
a picture I hate! Now trying to sell Dougan's picture without much luck
I thought I was really losing my mind, everytime I turn around I'm missing my garden tools and gloves. I see Dougan out of the corner of my eye, so I followed him... yep, he has a stash of MY tools! LOL... I love that nutty boy!
Dougan got blamed for "playing" with the chickens... just because the fence is smashed down, just because there's a pile of feathers, wet and slimy, just because there's a half naked chicken covered with drool, my boy gets blamed.
I come into the kitchen and see the trash can over... again. I yell out "who did this"... Dougan looks at me, opens his mouth and a piece of bread falls out, he didn't miss a beat , he continue on his way as if nothing happened. How could I be angry with that! He's to funny!
Dougan's new life jacket... NOPE, he's not going in that pool! No how, no way, not gonna do it, NO!

Difficult to see, but I took the advice of throwing the pet rock into the pool for Dougan to save... Didn't work.. All he did was bark until hubby had to go and save the rock for Dougan... LOL.. Here he is resting his head on the wet rock in our family room.

Dougan and his pet rock... after "Daddy" saved it from the deeps of the wicked pool.
DAMMIT DOUGAN!! He wasn't going to be inside for a second longer than he wanted.....ruined the curtain in the process, you think he could have closed the window behind him!

He said he was sorry for punching out the screen and ruining my curtain, but I swear I heard him snicker ! LOL
It just doesn't end with my Dougan. My sister, nephew and his fishing buddy are here in Vermont, Dougan watch the kids bring in the fishing poles and he freaks out! It took him all night to keep from running from the kids and hiding behind me! A big boy like Dougan scared of fishing poles and my nephew's wild hair. I hated to laugh, but it was so funny! Poor baby, I'm almost forgiven for this afternoons fun at the rest area.
Today my baby is 10 months old. We attempted to climb the stairs, he won't have anything to do with them... so, that makes swimming, stairs and listening. LOL..
What a day! Dougan, Pollyanna and I drove 8 hrs. to Vermont. I had difficulty getting him in his crate this morning, but this time Frank was there to help me, the hot dog helped too. About 7 hrs. into the trip Dougan let me know he has to "go".... oh boy, so he comes out real nice, so I'm thinking no problem getting him in, this anti-ramp business is over! WRONG, WRONG, WRONG... I don't know how long I was at the rest area, but it took some other travellers and THE STATE POLICE to get Dammit Dougan up that ramp. LOL... never fails, Dougan left his mark, in more than one way

Counter Surfing- A new talent Dougan has acquired.

My poor baby Dougan fell in the pool, the deep end. Thank goodness hubby was there, he had to jump in and rescue him! I have a problem to solve when I get home. Dougan is scared of the water now.
First Dougan eats the snap pea blossoms, he moves on to the strawberry patch, in fact he just finished them this afternoon. He loves to eat the greens off the carrots.... AND NOW, he discovered the blueberry bushes. I thought I heard him sing to the heavens! My Dougan is one goofy boy! I guess that's why I love him so.
My Dougan is so smart! It's not that he was able to jump the barrier keeping him away from the living room coffee table with my "treasures"... he only got the doily my Grandmother crochet and didn't break what was on top... No, I'm amazed that he found a box with an antique tea set wrapped in bubble wrap, UNWRAPPED each piece and didn't break any! Good boy Dougan... dammit, stay out of my antique china. LOL Maybe it's the bubble wrap he likes.
Dougan and I WERE having a really nice day, I worked, he played outside, now we are in the house with the a.c. I'm cleaning the kitchen, have been for days, cleaning from top to bottom. Dougan just walked over and lifted his leg on the cabinets! Dammit Dougan!
I went for more seed, I left Frank (my hubby) and Dougan home alone. I thought, they really need to bond. I return to find them sharing a beer! "DAMMIT FRANK!" " Darlin' Dougan, step away from Daddy" Dougan grabbed the glass and ran like the wind. He likes his suds with his daddy. Never a dull moment in the empty nest. I thought I had my hands full with my sons!!
Dougan was on the floor, moaning and soft woofs... I run to his side, feeling his tummy, rubbing his sides, OK... he seems ok... he does it several times... I rush to the files to look up bloat. I am ready to call an ambulance for him, ok, they don't take dogs... get a grip. He continues, I rush to his side to comfort him... the last time I notice him looking out of one eye to see if I'm on my way over. LOL... He got my number, Mom's a drama queen and I'm gonna get all the attention I can! I am so glad he's calm and quiet and not causing trouble! LOL... I love this nutty boy!
Dougan had his staples removed yesterday. I was asked how we are doing keeping him "calm and quiet"... I told the doctor about him flying off the porch, over the rabbit fence, how he wants to play and be a 7 1/2 month old puppy. I am to keep him "calm and quiet" for another 4-6 weeks, but this time with the help of Acepromazine. I don't love the idea of drugging him, but I like the idea of him having pain and trouble throughout his life even less.
Every morning Dougan takes his toys out of his crate and place them around the house. Frog always goes by the front door, bones are always placed together, lamby is in the living room as is Porkchop (his other lamb). I love watching him.
This is what he brought in yesterday... I had to leave him for just a minute... I hear a loud thump on the porch... I have no idea where he found it, but he was so proud. Not bad for a puppy that's staying "calm and quiet".... LOL Oh my Dougan!

Look Mom, look what I found at the lily pond.
Yes, its a rock, he's so proud of it!
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