as Denise Cuneo explains life with

Sherman's Shenanigans.....Hello everyone. To the new members, Sherman is our 15 month old Landseer and I try to post a funny story about him every Wednesday. if you need a laugh, go to the blog and read about this guy. He is a load of fun. Every Friday morning, I grab the garbage can from the curb with my left hand and have Sherman on his leash in my right. These are the same garbage cans we walk by every morning next to the house. Every Friday, he is scared to death that the can will get him. He runs ahead of me, constantly looking back at the can and almost ran into the side of the house this past Friday. I put the can down, he runs up, smacks it with his head, and runs away.
Eating crayons results in pooping sunshine and rainbows. Sherman has been a bad boy.
I took chicken little (Sherman) outside to go potty. For the first time in his life, he heard the train rolling through our valley, and the sound echoed off of the mountain and the whistle sounded like it was right next to us. Someone froze in mid finding a place to poop and ran for the porch. I guess we will have to go out again
Am I the only one here that has to wake up the dog to go outside? Sherman is passed out in the bathroom and I have to use a cookie to get him out so I can take a shower. Rubbing his belly only puts him into a deeper sleep. Once up, he goes to sleep in the living room. then I have to use another cookie to offer to take him potty at 7am
It is a sheet of ice here. I took Sherman out to go potty. I tried to sweep the snow off of the steps, had to use the shovel to scrape it off, then scrap.ed the sidewalk. Took him into the yard. he was afraid of the crunching sound the ice made as we walked. He ran to the porch
I stopped Sherman from stealing the hand towel off of the vanity in the bathroom. I told him no, and he didn't take it. I was so proud of him...until, he walked in the kitchen and took the hand towel off of the counter. He turned around and looked at me and walked away. Darn.
I have to put 2 chairs and a baby gate around the Christmas tree so Sherman won't crawl behind it to look out the window and knock the tree over. but then I can't use the baby gate to block the stairs when we leave. so what does Sherman do when we leave? he runs up the stairs, and looks at us through the bedroom window and then lays on our bed and goes to sleep. I find a big wet, drool spot on the pillow (and no, it is not pee). He must snuggle down in the queen sized bed and go to sleep.
Sherman has difficulty choices to make....sleep or poop. I guess he has picked sleep because he hasn't moved for over an hour and I thought by now, he would have to poop.
I came home from work. Sherman never even came to the door. I found him snoring in the bathroom. some guard dog he is. he must be dreaming, he is running and making noises. what a life!
Why is it when I come up from the basement, Sherman thinks I suddenly appeared from somewhere? He acts like I was gone for days, not minutes. He will watch me walk down and up, he stands at the doorway, and refuses to come down the stairs.
Sherman's Shenanigans......we had a mouse in the house. husband set the trap and checked it at 6am. No mouse. He went back to bed and I was sitting at the kitchen table and snap!! we got the mouse! I jumped on the chair just to make sure his/her friends and family weren't around. Sherman hid behind me. Thanks for the back-up buddy.
Sherman's Shenanigans.......Tuesday night, I tucked daughter into bed, Sherman laid on her floor. I left and he came with me. So I decided to see what he wanted to do. I climbed in bed and he jumped in next to me, snuggling. He laid there about 10 minutes and I rubbed his head and belly. He got down, laid on the floor and started snoring. He slept there and another spot for 2 hours. He snores loudly. I was reading. husband downstairs. He opens a bag of potato chips, Sherman immediately jumps up and runs down the stairs. he needed a bedtime snack after his evening nap.
Last night, daughter was putting Halloween gel clings on the kitchen window. It was getting dark out. Sherman takes one look at the "Boo" cling, throws his head back, and howls and then barks his big dog bark. He kept howling and barking until we peeled it off. the other ones on the window didn't bother him. I guess reading "Boo" made him mad.
Sherman's Shenanigans........At 2:45 am, I came downstairs, walked through the living room and stepped on something round, and soft. My first thought was, Oh My God, I stepped on poop. I turned the light on to find a half chewed up peanut M &M and a snoring Sherman. So glad it wasn't poop.
I had a package delivered. it came with the airbags inside for packing. Husband starts popping the airbags. Sherman freaked out. He was terrified. He ran up stairs and hid in our room. So the scary bags are gone and he is happy again.
Sherman's Shenanigans......last night, Sherman went to bed by himself. I thought he was upstairs on my bed with my daughter watching tv. I found him at the top of the stairs, with his front paws hanging over the top step, and his head laying on them. As I walked by, I patted his head. He jumped about 3 feet in the air. He was asleep and I scared him half to death. he ran down the hallway, turned and looked at me like "you woke me up!"
I learned a lesson this morning about playing a joke on a dog who is named after a tank, Sherman. I put his breakfast in his bowl and pretended to eat it....saying, yum, yum, yum. He comes running, and ploughs into me, pushes me over and starts licking my face. not the reaction I thought I would get.
Sherman's Shenanigans....a day early. Sherman had his antibiotics hidden in a piece of pepperoni. The pill fell out. I pointed and said "treat". He licked up the pill and ate it, crunch, crunch. He may not be as smart as we thought
Sherman went to camp with Daddy last night. Husband texts me around 8pm. Sherman disappeared while they were watching baseball game on tv. (camp is house, not tent or cabin). They found him sleeping on husband's bed with his head on his pillow. Husband commented that Sherman snores and hogs the bed.
Sherman got a new plush turtle toy. It squeaks and scares him half to death. Bit it. Squaek. Drop it. Run to his bed. Yes that was a great gift to give him.
I think it is so funny that Sherman is laying on the floor, snoring so loud. He took an early afternoon nap, and now an early evening nap, which is before dinner and then his post dinner, pre bedtime nap, followed by his late evening nap, and then bedtime.
Sherman's Shenanigans.....Sherman has discovered he is allowed to sleep in Elodie's room at night time. She loves the idea of him sleeping in her room, laying by her bed, protecting her. It is great in theory. His idea is jump on the 39lb kid on the bed, lick her whole head, lay down flat on her. She is screaming the whole time "get off of ME". Fun times.
As Sherman itches himself, clumps of hair fall out. He grabs them, brings them to me, sticking out of his mouth, chewing. He is just out of reach of my arm to tease me. If I get up, he sucks the hair inside his mouth and runs away. I have to bribe him with a treat, but he has learned he can chew the treat and keep the hair in his mouth. Yuck, slimy hair balls.
Sherman doesn't know what to make of the game of pee-a-boo. Husband covered his head with the blanket last night, made snoring sounds, and Sherman yanked the whole blanket off of him and took it to his bed and laid down on it, biting and growling at the blanket the whole time.
Sherman loves ice cubes. I give him one when I get some. I usually throw it on the floor and he chases it. Lately, he stands there and looks at the ice cube on the floor. I have to pick it up and place it in his open mouth. Nothing like having your own personal feeder.
Sherman's Shenanigans........every night, I let Elodie watch tv in our room and lay on our bed. She has been sleeping in our room on the floor on blankets since we are painting her room. Sherman lays on the bed with us. He insists that I hold his left front paw in my left hand and use my right hand to rub under his chin, as he licks my whole hand. If I stop either, he smacks me with a right hook. Did I mention I have to rub his belly with my foot? Last night, husband came up and saw this, commented that the dog isn't spoiled at all.
Add another fear for Sherman....zucchini. I have 2 on the kitchen table. I go to show them to him, he backs away in fear and refuses to come over to me when I am holding them. I can understand being afraid of the large metal garbage can outside or the neighbor's guinea fowl, but zucchini?
Sherman's Shenanigans----Sherman went to camp last night with my husband. At 8:30pm, husband calls, Sherman went into bedroom and unfolded the blanket on the bed husband sleeps in and laid down. Apparently, it was time for bed for Sherman and he was telling Daddy, "Let's go to bed". I put Eldodie to bed around that time and Sherman will come upstairs and lay on the bed and then the floor and take a pre-bedtime nap at that time. he will get up around 10pm so husband can take him potty and then he comes upstairs and goes to bed for the night.
I noticed after my shower when I was drying off that I seemed to be putting dog hair on me. Later, I caught Sherman sneaking in the bathroom, licking my towel. Now I know where the extra hair came from.
Sherman just walked over to the kitchen counter and pulled a piece of lettuce off of my sandwich. He literally used his lips and tongue to gently pull it off. then ran like he stole a steak.
I just tried feeding Sherman some sliced apples. He acted like I gave him poison. He spit it out on his bed. I had some, so now he decided it must be okay to eat since Mommy is eating it
The bank tellers just laugh when I come in with taped, crinkled money, so the check will give them a laugh this morning. They keep asking for me to bring him by to get treats. Small town bank, I know all the tellers.
Sherman knows when I turn the air conditioner on in our bedroom upstairs. He sneaks up there and we find him upstairs, snoring.
Well, here is the first installment of Sherman's Shennigans. My name is Denise, and Sherman is our second Newf, our first Landseer. My husband, 5 year old daughter, Elodie and I live in rural Pennsylvania with Sherman, the tank. Our first Newf, Torin, was 6 and passed away almost a year ago from bone cancer. We knew when he got sick, we needed a Newf in our home. Sherman is 8months old and around 100lbs. He is a prankster, as some of you know. He had the habit of sleeping in our old tub, loves to steal anything for attention, claimed the recliner as his, and can only jump over the baby gate in one direction....out, not in. On Sunday, he ate a pecan, shell and all. Of course, I freaked out. I wanted to go to the vet. What if he gets a blockage? What if we don't catch it? What if he dies? Hubby says let's wait for poop. Okay. So there I stood in the yard, looking at poop. Touchdown. pieces of shell. he chews it before swallowing. I think he intends to give me a stroke.
Installment No. 2....To friends who come to our house, the garbage can in the bathroom is just for looks. Please don't actually use it. Same goes for the toilet paper holder. Do not put the roll on the holder on the wall. Just put it back on the vanity where you found it. Sherman thinks these are the best toys we have ever gotten him. He empties the trash and shreds it. Same for the roll..he either takes it off or unrolls the whole thing through the bathroom, the dining room and the living room. Then shreds it on his bed.
#3....Sherman was laying 3 feet away from me in the dining room. Daughter was sitting directly in front of him at table on laptop. I heard chewing and thought"what a good boy for chewing your bone!" Elodie asked me to look at her computer drawing so i go in....only to find that the devil's spawn had actually chewed the binding off of my area rug and not his bone. I have proof. I took a picture. Will post it later today. He was alone for 4 minutes. Bad, bad puppy
Good morning. Sherman was a crazy puppy last night. Stealing, barking and being pushy. This morning, he is laying a foot away from me sleeping. He looks like a big angel. He wss across the room but as soon as i sat down, he came over to lay down by me. He is so sweet at times. Makes me want another one. Then he wakes up and i rethink that....Alot.
Since this was a post earlier by Kathan, i will address Sherman's new found boy parts. Husband mentioned that Sherman isn't humping anything. We walk in living room to find Sherman getting a bit too friendly with the blanket and pillow. Husband yells "put the red rocket away". Elodie comes running "where is the red rocket? Can i see it?" Husband says "go look out the window ". During this, Sherman goes and takes a nap. Guess he was tired from his activities
On Sunday, I took Sherman out to go potty. I can now get him to walk around the house. As we were walking by the maple tree, he tripped over a branch. He jumped 2 feet and ran for the house. I took him back and showed him the branch. Not scary at all. As I pick it up, a huge bug was on it. I screamed and drop the branch. Okay, maybe he was right. it is scary.
Good morning. On Sunday, i sliced a piece of homemade bread off the loaf, buttered it and turned to put butter in fridge. I have a small kitchen. I walked maybe 2 feet from table. Closed fridge door and my bread was GONE! Husband was standing at stove next to table. I ran in living room, thinking "maybe he didn't eat all of it" Sherman was sitting on his bed with his head down. That is the bad fog position. I opened his mouth. Crumbs and smelled like bread. It was all gone. Husband says "snooze, you loose" thanks honey. He watched Sherman take it.
Sherman went to camp with us on Saturday and Sunday. We have 2 acres so we let him off the leash. He stood frozen in place. He would not move. Hubby had to put his leash back on and walk with him so he would poop. So I guess freedom is not comfortable for him.
Also, I dropped a spinach leaf. He ate it like it was the best thing on earth. He came back for more, which he didn't get. He acted like I was trying to poison him when I gave him apples or bananas. Strange dog
Every morning, Sherman and I go out for a morning walk. Every morning, he goes over and bites the neighbor's shrub and yanks a branch off of it. By the end of summer, that bush should be a twig.
Sherman's Shenanigan's-----Today written by Sherman. Mom said walk and potty. I guess I will go since she asked. Out the door and off the porch, walk a little, pee, walk some more, pee some more, sit down and watch the mourning doves. Cookie, she said cookie. walk more, pee more, walk, sit, sit, sit, sit, sit, sit, sit, sit, sit, sit, sit watch the cardinal. Oh, look more doves. sit, sit, sit, sit, sit, sit, a goldfinch. sit, Mom is mad, she keeps saying bad words. walk, walk, walk, said cookie again. walk to porch. inside and cookie and ice cube. nap time.
Sherman's Shenanigans......last night, I decided to make a strawberry smoothie in the blender. Throw in ice cubes, and of course, give him some, Berries and yogurt. As he sits next to me, hoping for more, I turn it on and he freaks out. Backs up and howls at it,, barking. turn it off and he is fine, on again, howls again. I don't see making many smoothies like this. Husband says, What are you doing to the dog? The neighbors can hear him howling.

Denise talking about laser pointers.
Sherman thinks the glow comes from his tail and he ends up holding it and running in circles
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