The Newfoundland is a large, strong dog breed from — wait for it — Newfoundland. He was originally used as a working dog to pull nets for fishermen and haul wood from the forest. He is a capable and hardworking dog, well suited to work on land or water. He is a strong swimmer and equally strong "pack horse." Sweet-natured and responsive, he makes a wonderful family companion as well.
The FAMOUS " Tugboat" front page news.,0,1812257.photogallery
Why Newfies are the best - Thoughts from a woman in love with her dog. My beloved Jackson is always on guard to keep me safe and protect me. He is always there to give kisses when I am on the brink of tears, and with warmth and softness when life is cold and hard. Here is just one of countless examples. Tonight while I was taking J for his night walk I needed him to be on his best behavior, and to not dawdle. Tonight his mommy is very sick, in incredible pain, and barely able to walk. Her balance and gait resemble that of a heavily intoxicated person or that of someone who has had severe brain damage (the later being the cause of the issue). He stayed close to her all the way down the hallway. Once outside he moved slowly to allow his mommy extra time to walk on the wet sidewalk from freshly falling rain. Once in the grass he quickly did his business without taking any extra sniffs or being picky about his spot so mommy could get out of the cold rain and strong wind quickly. One the way back to their suite when mommy fell he quickly positioned himself between mommy and the other guests passing by to keep her safe while she tried to get up. Now back in our room he is cuddle up on my lap to help me warm back up. He will stay here with me most likely until Kurt comes home from work. No one taught him to do this. He has had no special training. He just has love and compassion. That is why Jackson, a former soul in need of love and understanding himself, now loves and understands me, is the best dog ever, and a great example of why everyone should have a Newf.

So I was sitting at my desk looking over today's posts and comments and all of a sudden the hotel's fire alarms go off. They had warned us it was coming but I had totally forgotten. I did however experience something very interesting. Jackson got up and ran over to me. As I knew it was a test I had planned to just comfort him. He was having none of that! After repeated attempts to knock my hand away from the mouse and whimpering next to me with a look of urgency, he grabbed my shirt and started tugging me toward the door. I decided if he was upset enough to bite my shirt and try and drag me, I decided it was just best to head outside and take a walk. Best he believe we need to exit when that sound is blaring. He might just end up saving my life a second time. My rescue, rescued me, and looks like he is prepared to do it again.

So last night about 7 I took my 2 older kids (5 and 3 years old) for a walk with the pup. We come to a street crossing so my kids automatically hold hands (We do this a lot so there use to it when crossing roads) Well Mr. Goliath is about a step and a half behind them walking with me and he proceeds to step forward put his mouth over there hands they have together and walk them about half way across the street before he let go. He never bit down he never tried to hurt them literally just wanted to walk them across the street. Oh how I am starting to fall in love with this breed and there protective nature, He has been the best dog EVER for my kids
Sick yesterday and today, 103.8 fever last night, well Goliath has never been one for cuddling in bed or anything but when hubby took off for work this morning Goliath climbed up in bed and snuggled with me almost an hour and a half. Think he knows momma's sick. Oh how I love my dog,
I have to share what happened this morning it was to funny. So as of this week my daughter rids the bus now for the winter so there aren't so many cars out in the snow and stuff. Well she catches the bus across the street and 1 house up so I help her across the street (she's only 5) and then sit on my porch and watch till she's on the bus safely. Well this morning Goliath wanted to go out also, I had no objections. He tries to follow her to the bus stop and I call him back he comes no prob but as were sitting there waiting for the bus he keeps giving me a low growl and pacing watching her. Whenever a car drove past her he barked. I can't help but laugh he's such a gentle dog but apparently VERY protective over "his" kids. Love my big guy. 8 months old now, 28 inches (at top of shoulders) and about 120lbs. Tall and lean.
I think I have discovered a new disease......size blindness. When I look at my pretty, pretty girl I see my dog. Just a normal dog. Nothing unusual. But when everyone else see her all I hear is "My GAWD she is HUGE". She isn't huge, she is Cleo.

Nothing to see here, Mom. Move along, move along.






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