This is the ONLY way my Houston will travel!!! He gets SO much attention and smiles, but I am going to have to get him some Doggles. Here he is on his way back from the groomers.
WHAT ARE YOU DOING?????.... moment of the day. I hear the thunder of newfie paws running through the house followed by a loud banging followed by the sound of wet newfie paws in the kitchen followed by Ella barking and snapping at Remy. I get up to explore and discover Remy with a completely wet head trying to "get his romance on" with Ella - but thankfully he doesn't have a clue and he is sideways on her. I also discover his head is wet because he dunked it in the water dish then proceeded to spill it all over the kitchen floor. THEN.. as I am typing this I hear the pitter patter of wet newfie paws accompanied by the splish splash of more water. Yup... he flooded the kitchen for a second time.
Heather Raeburn Meehan
Nothing like taking a relaxing bath... When the door flies open and your Newfie jumps in the tub with you.... Welcome to the world of Newfoundlands I laughed so hard. Wouldn't have it any other way.
THERESA MAGUIRE HOUCK My Penny girl used to eat her poop when she was a puppy. She grew out of it but not before giving us one if our funniest memories that we now refer to as the "poopsicle" incident. It was a lovely snowy Sunday morning. Penny had been outside and was coming in. She was very excited to join my husband and I snuggled in bed. She jumped into the bed with us. I said to my husband, "She is hiding something in her mouth." My husband stuck out his hand and said "Penny, drop it". She very happily shared the surprise she found in the snow - a frozen poop - right in his hand. Dang I loved that dog.
In July Jackson and I spent a week at my parents home. My parents loved having us visit. According to my mom, she loved having me there, and my dad loved having Jackson. She thinks he really misses having a dog full time. I got a call from my dad this morning. He informed me that I really needed to bring his granddoggie for a visit. In part because he missed him AND his mommy, but also because it would seem Jackson hid almost an entire days worth of food in the bottom drawer of my dad's tool chest, and it is making it difficult to put away some of the news he got for his anniversary. My mom laughed. She had thought she had found all his stash. Sometimes the fact that he hides food, makes for funny stories. We are going to see my folks again next month. Dad said he will make sure he swaps that food out for some fresh stuff right before we get there. LOL

Don't worry mom, i got the dishes covered! Thanx Rudder
We were at the soccer field 2.1 seconds when I look at Huxley and he has something sticking out if the side if his mouth. I wrestle it away from him and it is a dried up frog....GAG!!

"Um mom, your not gonna believe what just happened.."
It was hilarious. She was walking along all munch, munch, munch, you know, with bits of poo falling out of her mouth. Then she caught sight of her first REAL HORSE. Whammo slammo! Her jaw dropped and poo fell out, and she backed up about ten feet with that strip of fur standing up on end down her back.

ok ...that was fun I was taking Rascal for his nightly walk around the back yard and he was being a little stubborn and not wanting to go around the house. Me ,of course just keep walking and dragging him behind ,so he can do his business. We get to the back part by all the tall bushes and trees, his hair stands up on his back (which i have never seen ) and starts taking steps backwards. We look at each other and i ask him "want is it?" He took off running ,with me behind holding his leash and trying to keep up LOL He didnt stop or look back until he was around the house and up the stairs ! Then he just wanted in the house . As soon as we got in the house and i took of his leash,he ran to the bay window which looks out to the backyard and he started barking like he is all big and bad LOL....Bear?...Deer? who knows but all i know is he can sure run fast and wish i had roller skates on
Cute pup story I wanted to share. Remy and Ella are outside - not wanting to come in. It is hot - I don't have time to wait for them so I lure them out of the pool with the promise of a cookie. They both jump out of the pool - come stand right next to me - shake off (of course). When the dripping gets down to a slow trickle I let them in. They both run immediately to the kitchen counter where the cookie jar is. I reach in and get 3 cookies - one for each pup and one for Eli. They are standing there looking at me so eagerly. I tell them to sit. Remy does so right away. Ella keep standing. So I say it one more time. Remy remains sitting - Ella standing. I say "Ella sit!" Right after that Remy raises his big ole paw and slaps Ella on the back with it like he is saying "sit already damnit! I want my cookie!"
Love is scrubbing your whole house clean...floors, walls, carpets, appliances...while hubby takes Newfie swimming to get her OUT OF THE HOUSE because she THINKS she is helping me!
Once I took Jake in to have a recheck & xrays done of his hip (he has to be knocked out in order for them to do it bc he's the worst patient ever) & when I picked him up he was still very loopy. Well, after a 40min drive home, I parked across the street from my bldg & he would not budge for anything!! I sat in that car with him for THREE hours till he woke up & was so happy to be home! He jumped right out of the car. Lol!! I love that boy!
I still laugh about that day. We were so close...right across the street! And to add insult to injury, I had to get out every hour to pay the meter (I'm in NYC)! Now, everytime Jake is bugging me bc he wants to eat or wants a treat when I'm busy I say, "Jake, remember that day I had to sit in the car & watch you sleep for 3 hrs? Well, you can wait 5 minutes till I'm done."
So Cleo has figured out how to lift the lid on the neverending bowl of fresh water located in the smallest room of the
Why do these silly newfies try to act innocent as they walk through the house with the trash can lid stuck on their head?
Wake up, trip on dog. Apologize to dog (dog still asleep). Go shower, trip on dog (she moved, but still asleep) Go to get dressed, get just the "basics" on and dog wants to go outside. Grateful that no one was outside. Still getting dressed, dog is done, scratching at door. Run to door, too late, dog opened door (two new scratches embedded in wood) Start to dry hair, dog runs, oops dog doesn't like blow dryer so its a damp hair day. Looking for sneaker. Dog has sneaker on bed. Dog jumps off bed to run with shoe cuz this game is FUN. Check shirt for excess drool marks, finally get shoe, leave for work........and smile all the way there because once again my day started with "the dog"
Today I gave Guinness a bath all by myself. The only thing I can equate it to is wresting with a crocodile. It started with interest in the water, a little wimpering then the death rolls started and he attempted to put me under the water!! After about 20 minutes of this, we both emerged from the water exhausted but considerably cleaner! The towel drying and brushing went weel and then I pulled out the hairdryer........
Thinking the price a groomer charges seems much more reasonable after the experience.
No Ouiser,it is not time to eat, it is 4am. Yes, thank you for the kisses, but no, we are still not eating. You're head is awfully big so if you would stop bumping me that would be nice, and your crying won't help either, you are not starving. Please stop pulling my shirt, this is not water rescue, there is no water, and no we are not eating yet. Why did you wake up your sister? It didn't even occur to her that she was hungry, and now her butt it's on my head.
Interior Design By " Higgins"

Another "Higgins" Masterpiece.

Amica has a nightly ritual of laying on her back and seeing how many of her fee...t she can stuff in her mouth before she gags! Seriously? She is 10.5 months! And she STILL chases her tail! The end is so frayed its pathetic!

Angus did the same thing up to about two months ago so you have a lot of time to laugh your A** off at her. He would take himself down so hard it shook the house. He is 18 months old now.

Ben's "take down." Recorded live!
The only furniture our dogs are allowed on is our bed (king size) and even then that's not guaranteed. Well Goliath has never cared to be on the bed much, he may come up if he wants to play but is never there more then a min. Last night hubby and I are about 6inches from each other just about asleep and BAM, here comes the big ol newf deciding he wants to lay in that 6 inches between us and chew on a raw hid bone. Oh the joys of owning a newfie.
My 5 year old asks if she can go outside and play this evening, I tell her no as I was working in the house and didn't have time to clean the yard of dog poop for her. She decides she wants to go out anyway. I hear the door open so I give it about 10 secs and start sneaking out that way so I can catch her in the act when she all of sudden she comes running back in SCREAMING her head off. Apparently she decided she was going to go out bare foot and stepped in a pile of poop right outside the door. Was squashed all between her toes and everything it was SOOOOOO Grosse but hopefully she learned her lesson and will listen to mommy next time. Oh and then during bath time tonight I had baby Michael in the tub and Goliath decided it wasn't fair Michael was getting a bath and he wasn't so he jumped in with him. Oh the crazy moments in our house that occur daily. Hope everyone had as fun/crazy of a weekend as I
Jake strikes again: I was just about to take him out, he runs into the kitchen to snoop around (no big deal, he always does that)...I hear a BAM! As I'm walking down the hall to find out what he's done this time he comes running past me carrying an unopened 2 liter bottle of Pepsi in his mouth sideways! How does that fit in his mouth?!?! As he's running by, evading my attampts to intercept him, he's looking at me as if to say, "Mom! Look what I got...can you believe I fit it in my mouth?! I'm so proud of myself & you should be to! And you can't have it back till you bribe me with a treat...and it better be one of my favorites or I'll bite down on this bottle & then you'll really be sorry. Hahaha!!!" Have I mentioned that Jake is now 10yrs & 2 months old? I am completely resigned to that fact that he'll be a puppy for life...I love it, though. He's so funny.
My latest status update - Today has been another "fun" chapter in our life with newfies. This morning brought an empty doggie cookie jar. It emptied faster than usual since 14 of the last batch of 24 magically disappeared from the cookie sheets. This time I did NOT leave them unattended and all but the three that were handed out made it into that cookie jar. A little while later Remy made it very well known that he had to go potty - like RIGHT NOW.. I am whining and crying and I have to go NOW - stop what you are doing Mom and let me out NOW!!! So, I did. I pushed my lunch aside and let them out. Five minutes later I went to check on them and let them back in. I don't think either of the two did what they were supposed to. Instead they had dug a hole. It was a gloriously large h...ole. Not only had they dug that wonderful hole but they had flung the dirt that had once filled it all over the patio, and even into the pool. Some of that dirt had even found its way into their nostrils, mouths, ears and of course between each and every doggie toe they have. They were covered in it. Bath time! I don't know many of you have ever tried to bathe 100+ pound PUPPIES.. especially puppies that LOVE water and think everyone should be covered in it - always. It is not a job for the faint of heart. I grab Remy by the collar and start to wet him down. Just as he was nice and wet enough to start to put on the shampoo (now remember.. he was covered in dirt.. now he is covered in water as well.. ya know what that means right?) he thinks it is the perfect time to shake. Shake he did. Mud went everywhere including all over me. Shampoo is next. He gets into a nice lather and then I hear splashing. Splashing? Yes, splashing. Ella in her equally dirt covered state decides it would be a great time for a swim. So there she is paddling around in the pool with a lovely streak of brown trailing behind her. I sigh. I resign myself to the fact we will probably have to hit the boost on the pool again which is equal to shocking a chlorine pool, and just as I turn to begin rinsing off Remy - who remember, is slathered in bubbly thick puppy shampoo.. he shakes off once again. Now I am covered in water, mud, shampoo and - dog hair. During all of this Ian comes home for lunch and he was the typical wonderful husband that he always is, and helps out. I swear I didn't mean to run the hose over his work shoes - twice. I really didn't. Btw- didn't take as much water to bath Ella since she was already wet from the pool. Didn't take as much shampoo either because most of the dirt is at the bottom of the pool. I still don't understand why she feels a need to break away when she is fully lathered to crawl into the bushes next to the house. Did you know that scrapes from bushes mixed with mud, water, puppy shampoo and dog hair itch like crazy? I didn't either - but I do now.

Cooper came by dragging the bumper with this look of self satisfaction, and the cop asks me, "where do you suppose he got that from?"
The local chief of police comes walking up and asked the trooper when he wrecked his car... We figured out where the bumper came from.
Geeze I guess Cooper is the only one who was facing a felony for his chewing.
Destruction of police property, in the form of a rear bumper on a state police Ford crown Victoria interceptor....
he wasn't listening to well that day.
Luckily I knew the cop.
Answering "Who can take their pups to work with them?"
I can since I work for myself at home - but they always try to eat my props. Ella snuck into the studio this morning and I ended up pulling a flower top out of her mouth. Remy has always chewed an eye off of a teddy bear I use with babies.
Yup - Mongo walked along the red wall I was painting

I had a dear male friend visit today. Berry was all over him. Licking his arms, pawing him. And then it happened. He humped him twice. So embarrassing. At least my friend was cool about it. He has dogs, but still.
Funny. Lulu is sitting on the couch with me, Mongo is laying on the floor every time he looks up at me, she bops him with her foot. Finally he got up and went outside...
Sitting here reading posts and I hear Ian in the kitchen saying "Rem! I can't believe you did that right in front of me!" A few seconds later Remy comes walking in with his head hanging looking so sad and dejected. I asked Ian what he did and Ian said, "He was trying to pull the birthday cake box (it's empty) off the counter right in front of me." Poor Remy - he just wanted some crumbs!
My day so far ....wash beagle, dry him, brush him ...then spend 15 minutes trying to catch him so i can spray him down the natural flea and tick spray from here LOL ( he does not like spray bottles ) Refill tub...convince Rascal to go into the bathroom ( which usually i cant keep him out of ) sneak in behind him and shut the door problem getting him in the tub though,he loves that part but wants out as soon as he gets in. Luckily we have shower doors so i just pull up my sweatpant legs and get in with him and shut the doors ,a little tight but we make it work wash him and rinse,rinse and rinse some more Try to get out as the water is draining so i can dry him off in the tub before he jumps out and makes a huge mess...ummm NOT successful, he barrels out right behind me and now im drenched and so is the bathroom. Towel dry him ,over and over again ,brush him and rub his dry backend down with coconut oil( as he is trying to eat it )
Now both dogs are hyper and flying all over the place ! I am trying to clean up and waiting for rascal to dry so i can spray him with the stuff and then i smell something !!!! Yep A huge pile of poo in the living room ! He never poos in the house ...Is it nap time yet or what !
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